Thread: UTF-8 collation (was Re: [BUGS] LATIN2 ORDER BY)

UTF-8 collation (was Re: [BUGS] LATIN2 ORDER BY)

From (Zbigniew Lukasiak)
I had a similar problem with collation and case conversion in LATIN2.

> Are you sure, that you've system locale (LANG variable) set to
> something.ISO8859-2 when you've invoked initdb command?

That was a bit tricky cause I just set LC_ALL=pl_PL - for most programs
it is enough.

But eventually it worked for iso8859-2.  Now I try to get proper
collation for UTF-8 and I can't find what locales I should set in this
case (tried en_IN.UTF-8 and it did not work).

Zbigniew Lukasiak