Thread: Problem with restoring a 7.1 dump

Problem with restoring a 7.1 dump

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
Hi all,

I'm having problems restoring a dump.  I get this:

You are now connected as new user chriskl.
ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.       Pre-installed languages are SQL, C, and
internal.      Additional languages may be installed using 'createlang'.
ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.       Pre-installed languages are SQL, C, and
internal.      Additional languages may be installed using 'createlang'.

I've done a "createlang plpgsql template1" before starting my restore, but I
just cannot get it to recognise the language.

The dump format is the complete one that first tries to drop each database
and then recreates it from scratch, so each of my databases is being dropped
and then totally recreated.

How do I get this to work?


Re: Problem with restoring a 7.1 dump

"Magnus Naeslund(f)"
Christopher Kings-Lynne <> wrote:
> How do I get this to work?
> Chris

I think i did this:

CREATE FUNCTION "plpgsql_call_handler" () RETURNS opaque AS
'/usr/local/pgsql/lib/', 'plpgsql_call_handler' LANGUAGE 'C';
"plpgsql_call_handler" LANCOMPILER 'PL/pgSQL';

This might be in the docs also.
Try it :)


Re: Problem with restoring a 7.1 dump

Tom Lane
"Christopher Kings-Lynne" <> writes:
> ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.
>         Pre-installed languages are SQL, C, and internal.
>         Additional languages may be installed using 'createlang'.

> I've done a "createlang plpgsql template1" before starting my restore, but I
> just cannot get it to recognise the language.

Are you sure you did that (and it worked)?  I don't see how a definition
in template1 would not propagate to new databases.

> The dump format is the complete one that first tries to drop each database
> and then recreates it from scratch, so each of my databases is being dropped
> and then totally recreated.

Hm ... is the script also trying to drop individual elements in each
database?  If so I wonder if it's actually dropping the plpgsql language
(or at least the handler for it) and then failing to recreate it for
some reason.  But that failure would provoke an error, too.
        regards, tom lane