Thread: Backend shutdown time?

Backend shutdown time?

Tom Lane
We know that backend startup time is something we'd like to cut down as
much as possible, but has anyone ever looked at backend *shutdown* time?

I'm sitting here watching Michael Devogelaere's benchmark with "top",
and despite the fact that there's only one client process at a time,
there's frequently two or three backends running.  Sometimes four.
The only way I can see to explain this is that it takes a fair amount
of time for the backend to exit after the client disconnects.

Sample "ps -ef" run showing four active backends and one client:

tgl      17647     1  1 21:18 ?        00:02:31 postmaster -i -F
tgl      24844 17647  0 23:29 ?        00:00:00 postgres: userconsult_test userd
tgl      24852 17647  0 23:29 ?        00:00:00 postgres: userconsult_test userd
tgl      24856 17647  0 23:29 ?        00:00:00 postgres: userconsult_test userd
tgl      24859 17113  0 23:29 pts/1    00:00:00 /home/tgl/qmail/qmail-getpw alia
tgl      24860 17647  0 23:29 ?        00:00:00 postgres: userconsult_test userd

While it clearly takes some amount of time to clean out our entries in
the PROC array, etc, this trace suggests that the cost is a lot higher
than one would've expected.  Anyone have an idea what's going on here?

(BTW, the above processes are 7.1.3, but I doubt 7.2 is better.)
        regards, tom lane