Thread: sig 11 in RC3

sig 11 in RC3

I have a couple functions which form the basis of an aggregate. The purpose of
the aggregate function is to be able to perform a GROUP BY on a one to many
table and produce a summary able where all the "many" integers will be packed
in a single array. If this were a text search query, rather than searching
hundreds of entries in the table, one fetch and possibly a detoast is used. It
is MUCH faster for my purpose.

It is used like this:

create table array_lookup as select id1, int_array_aggregate(id2) from lookup
group by (id1) ;

I have written a good number of functions in PGSQL, I'm not a newbe. Could
someone take a look at it? I don't think I am doing anything that would kill
the back end, so it may be a bug in RC3, I am just pulling my hair out. (FYI,
the one to many table may have thousands of rows for an entry.) One more thing:
I'm not getting any elog messages, so it should not be a memory issue.

-- Internal function for the aggregate
-- Is called for each item in an aggregation
create function int_agg_state (int4, int4)       returns int4       as 'MODULE_FILENAME','int_agg_state'       language

-- Internal function for the aggregate
-- Is called at the end of the aggregation, and returns an array.
create function int_agg_final_array (int4)       returns int4[]       as 'MODULE_FILENAME','int_agg_final_array'

-- The aggration funcion.
-- uses the above functions to create an array of integers from an aggregation.
create aggregate int_array_aggregate
(       BASETYPE = int4,       SFUNC = int_agg_state,       STYPE = int4,       FINALFUNC = int_agg_final_array,

/* This is actually a postgres version of a one dimentional array */
typedef struct agg
{       ArrayType a;       int     items; /* Number of items in array */       int     lower; /* Lower bounds of array,
usedas max during aggregation
*/       int4    array[1];

#define TOASTED         1
#define START_NUM       8
#define PGARRAY_SIZE(n) (sizeof(PGARRAY) + ((n-1)*sizeof(int4)))

PGARRAY * GetPGArray(int4 state, int fAdd);
Datum int_agg_state(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum int_agg_final_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);


/* Manage the aggregation state of the array */
PGARRAY * GetPGArray(int4 state, int fAdd)
{       PGARRAY *p = (PGARRAY *) state;       if(!state)       {               /* New array */               int cb =
               p = (PGARRAY *) palloc(cb);
               if(!p)               {                       elog(ERROR,"Integer aggregator, cant allocate
memory\n");                       return 0;               }
               p->a.size = cb;               p->a.ndim= 0;               p->a.flags = 0;               p->items = 0;
          p->lower= START_NUM;               return p;       }       else if(fAdd)       {               /* Ensure
arrayhas space */               if(p->items >= p->lower)               {                       PGARRAY *pn;
         int n = p->lower + p->lower;                       int cbNew = PGARRAY_SIZE(n);                       pn =
(PGARRAY*) palloc(cbNew);
                       if(!pn)                       {                               elog(ERROR,"Integer aggregator,
memory\n");                       }                       else                       {
memcpy(pn,p, p->a.size);                               pn->a.size = cbNew;                               pn->lower = n;
                             pfree(p);                               return pn;                       }               }
     }       return p;
/* Called for each iteration during an aggregate function */
Datum int_agg_state(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{       int4 state = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);       int4 value = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
       PGARRAY *p = GetPGArray(state, 1);       if(!p)       {               elog(ERROR,"No aggregate storage\n");
}       else if(p->items >= p->lower)       {               elog(ERROR,"aggregate storage too small\n");       }
else      {               p->array[p->items++]= value;       }       PG_RETURN_INT32(p);

/* This is the final function used for the integer aggregator. It returns all
the integers* collected as a one dimentional integer array */
Datum int_agg_final_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{       PGARRAY *p = GetPGArray(PG_GETARG_INT32(0),0);
       if(p)       {               /* Fix up the fields in the structure, so Postgres understands
*/               p->a.size = PGARRAY_SIZE(p->items);               p->a.ndim=1;               p->a.flags = 0;
   p->lower = 0;               PG_RETURN_POINTER(p);       }       PG_RETURN_NULL();

Re: sig 11 in RC3

Tom Lane
mlw <> writes:
> I have a couple functions which form the basis of an aggregate.

You can't lie to the system by claiming your state value is an integer
when it's really a pointer to palloc'd memory.  The memory will get
recycled out from under you.

Try declaring the aggregate as using int4[] as the transition type,
and make sure that the intermediate states are valid at least to the
point of having a correct varlena length word.  This will allow the
system to copy the values around when it needs to.

Alternatively, keep the data structure in a longer-lived context
(TransactionCommandContext should work) instead of the per-tuple
context.  That's uglier but would avoid a lot of copying.

See src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c if you are wondering why the state
values need to be copied around.
        regards, tom lane

Re: sig 11 in RC3

Holger Krug
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 11:02:04AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> mlw <> writes:

> Alternatively, keep the data structure in a longer-lived context
> (TransactionCommandContext should work) instead of the per-tuple
> context.

It depends, I had to use `TopTransactionContect' in a similar case.

If you really want to return a pointer, I would recommend to
introduce a new type `pointer', where the input and output functions
simply call `elog(ERROR,..)'. This way you can avoid to forget that
your pointer cannot be externalized.

Holger Krug