Thread: New NLS status page

New NLS status page

Peter Eisentraut
I've updated the National Language Support status page, at

Not only does it show all kinds of progress numbers, it also allows you to
download .po files that are baked freshly every day for your working
pleasure.  Thus, it's no longer necessary to keep an up-to-date source
tree and all the tools around.  Furthermore, any errors in the translation
files will pop up automatically as well.

In somewhat related news, I've made a new release of my "BSD Gettext"

The msgfmt program is now a full replacement for the GNU equivalent for
all relevant functionality, so all the tools required for the user side
are now available.

Peter Eisentraut

Re: New NLS status page

"Serguei Mokhov"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Peter Eisentraut <>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 7:05 AM

> I've updated the National Language Support status page, at

That's very cool!

However the status table format isn't the best one.
It'll keep growing sidewise with every new language
added and will force to scroll horizontally the browser's
window. Plus, the older stats you used to have of 
how many messages translated, fuzzy translations, and
untranslated I also find useful.

May I suggest the following table format:

| Lang/Component| libpg | pg_dump | postgres      | pgsql      | Lang Total |
+ cs            + 0     + 0       + 0             + 89%        + 1 (89)     |
+               +       +         +               + t99\f5\u25 |            |
+ de            + 100   + 100     + 20            + 100        + 4 (80)     |
+               +       +         + t15\f25\u2000 +            +            |
+ 7 langs       + 4(100)+ ........

(Sorry for being such an @n@l :))

Serguei A. Mokhov

Re: New NLS status page

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> I've updated the National Language Support status page, at
> Not only does it show all kinds of progress numbers, it also allows you to
> download .po files that are baked freshly every day for your working
> pleasure.  Thus, it's no longer necessary to keep an up-to-date source
> tree and all the tools around.  Furthermore, any errors in the translation
> files will pop up automatically as well.

Looks like you might have to transpose that table at the top of the page
once there's a few more translations :)


Re: New NLS status page

Peter Eisentraut
Christopher Kings-Lynne writes:

> Looks like you might have to transpose that table at the top of the page
> once there's a few more translations :)

There will be a few more translated programs and libraries down the left,

Peter Eisentraut

Re: New NLS status page

"Serguei Mokhov"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Peter Eisentraut <>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:43 PM

> Christopher Kings-Lynne writes:
> > Looks like you might have to transpose that table at the top of the page
> > once there's a few more translations :)
> There will be a few more translated programs and libraries down the left,
> too.

But these are more or less fixed, whereas the number of languages
will grow more rapidly (hopefully).

Serguei A. Mokhov