Thread: Setting up MAKE file for Postgres and C++/Newbie question

Setting up MAKE file for Postgres and C++/Newbie question

I've found, compiled and tested the libpq++ c++ program examples.  I've even
modified them to work with my database.  Now I want to take an existing
program written in c++ and add the postgres classes.  I also want to do this
in my working directory, not the samples directory.  The make file with the
examples is pretty intense.  Does anyone have a simpler version that will
set the appropriate paths for the includes?  I naturally want to use the
header files included with postgres, not copy them around.

Re: Setting up MAKE file for Postgres and C++/Newbie question

"Lee Crampton"
A make file can be very simple indeed. These days makefiles have become
almost incomprehensible to all but a few!
If you don't want to be flexible and portable in the extreme, a simple
makefile for the current directory for any project goes like this:

foo : foo.o
        gcc -o foo foo.o
foo.o : foo.c
        gcc -c foo.c -I $(INC);
Some years ago I wrote a program makemake which created makefiles based on
the contents of the current dir.
It was for a DOS based system but should work anywhere (with perhaps a
couple of tweeks).
I will see if I can dig it out.
Hope this helps.
Lee Crampton

<> wrote in message
> I've found, compiled and tested the libpq++ c++ program examples.  I've
> modified them to work with my database.  Now I want to take an existing
> program written in c++ and add the postgres classes.  I also want to do
> in my working directory, not the samples directory.  The make file with
> examples is pretty intense.  Does anyone have a simpler version that will
> set the appropriate paths for the includes?  I naturally want to use the
> header files included with postgres, not copy them around.