Thread: Select parser at runtime ....

Select parser at runtime ....

"Nicolas Verger"
Hello, I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL, (I'm a (young) oracle DBA)

We need to work with Oracle (some heavy client of our society want Oracle
for security or maintenance), but we want to work with PostgreSQL too, cause
it's more performant, less administration, ... in few words : It's the
But before PostgreSQL rule the world, we want to develop once and deploy
twice, so I create some function ( now() and nextval() under oracle ) to
enhanced Oracle and PostgreSQL compatibily ...
But I have a big problem : PostgreSQL doesn't allow Oracle style outer join,
and Oracle doesn't allow Postgres style ... So, if someone can do something,
I will be very greatfull ...

Other compatibily problems : reserved words, create function syntax,
datatypes are not a problem, I can workaround.

Thanx in advance ...

RE: Select parser at runtime ....

"Nicolas Verger"
> Tom Lane writes :
> Oracle claims to be compliant with that
> standard.  If they don't accept the standard syntax for outer joins,
> then their claim of compliance is faulty.  But last I heard, they did.

Well, I can't find it into the documentation, and the postgres syntax does
not work so I think Oracle does not support SQL92 outer join syntax... :(
And Oracle keywords does not contains 'outer' nor 'left' .... Arg

RE: Select parser at runtime ....

"Nicolas Verger"
> De : Tom Lane
> Are you sure about that?  Postgres supports ISO standard (ISO/IEC 9075,
> SQL 1992) outer joins.  Oracle claims to be compliant with that
> standard.  If they don't accept the standard syntax for outer joins,
> then their claim of compliance is faulty.  But last I heard, they did.

I find this on an Oracle Technical Forum :

- SQL 92 is a standard with 3 levels: entrey level, intermediate level and a
third level I - can't remember (sorry...)
- As far as I know, Oracle is SQL 92 entry level compliant.
- intermediate level sintax and, therefore, will not work on Oracle.
- Regards,
- Danilo Gimenez
- Oracle DBA

So I haven't any solution.... Can I hope about a future implementation of
Oracle outer join style ?

Re: Select parser at runtime ....

Tom Lane
"Nicolas Verger" <> writes:
> But I have a big problem : PostgreSQL doesn't allow Oracle style outer join,
> and Oracle doesn't allow Postgres style ...

Are you sure about that?  Postgres supports ISO standard (ISO/IEC 9075,
SQL 1992) outer joins.  Oracle claims to be compliant with that
standard.  If they don't accept the standard syntax for outer joins,
then their claim of compliance is faulty.  But last I heard, they did.
        regards, tom lane