Thread: Re: Thai data import into PostgreSQL

Re: Thai data import into PostgreSQL

Tatsuo Ishii
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with TH8TISASCII encoding at all. Is there
any documentation for it on the web?
Tatsuo Ishii

> Dear Sir,
> I have obtained your email address through the PostgreSQL documentation. I
> understood you are the specialist of the localisation on PostgreSQL, and was
> hoping you could help me on a specific problem I am working at the moment,
> or maybe redirect me to someone who could help me.
> We have developed a software solution based on Microsoft Windows and Oracle
> database. One of our new external module though (Point of sale) is using the
> Linux environment (Red Hat 7.1 distribution) and PostgreSQL 7.1 database.
> One of our customer is based in Bangkok and is using Oracle database in the
> Thai character set. The Oracle character set used by our customer is
> Thai version of Windows, and it stores and retrieve the data correctly.  We
> still have some trouble exporting the Thai characters, but my question for
> you is more related to how I should setup the PostgreSQL database for the
> import. I noticed that there is no locale for Thai defined in the
> documentation. What do you think would be the best way to set up PostgreSQL
> ? SQL_ASCII ? UNICODE ? Something else ?
> I thank you in advance for your time.
> Best Regards,
> Alex Crettol