Thread: Radical suggestion for plan executor?

Radical suggestion for plan executor?

Martijn van Oosterhout
I notice that the query executor currently has a lot of switch statements on
the the type of node it is descending to. This means you get a call tree

ExecProcNode ExecNestLoop   ExecProcNode     ExecMergeJoin       ...

Wouldn't it be nicer if the Plan had access to function pointers that
already referred to the right function. So instead of:

result = ExecProcNode( a, b )

you get:

a->procs.exec( b );

It compresses the call tree down a bit. However, I'm not sure if it has many
benefits other than maintainability.

OTOH, you could keep ExecProcNode and just replace the switch with a
function call.

Any thoughts?
Martijn van Oosterhout <>
> It would be nice if someone came up with a certification system that
> actually separated those who can barely regurgitate what they crammed over
> the last few weeks from those who command secret ninja networking powers.

Re: Radical suggestion for plan executor?

Tom Lane
Martijn van Oosterhout <> writes:
> [ replace switch statements with function pointers ]

I've built systems both ways, and I can't say that I find any real
gain in transparency either way.  I'm not excited about modifying
Postgres this way.  Function pointers have some definite downsides:
debuggers can't always step through them, source code analysis tools
tend not to understand them too well either, etc etc.

If we were using C++ then the tradeoffs would be different, but
this system is just plain C...
        regards, tom lane