Thread: Foolish question about <<<< SELECT INTO rec xxx, xxxx, xxx, xxx WHERE YYYYYY ilike %$2 >>>>

Hello Dave & friends,

I am working on the PgAdmin query loader project writing as much possible 
code server-side in PL/pgSQL.

For the purpose of function 'compilation' (let's call it like that), I 
create two temporary tables: compiler_function which holds the list of 
PL/PgSQL functions to compile,
and compiler_dependency which holds the list of dependencies. After 
compilation of functions, these two tables are dropped.

To find function dependencies, I need to run this (problematic) query on 
each function:

CREATE FUNCTION pgadmin_comp_dependency_init (int4, text)
AS 'DECLARE    /* $1 holds the function iod,     $2 holds the function name.*/
    rec        record;    v_query1         varchar;    v_query2         varchar;        BEGIN    SELECT INTO rec
compiler_function.function_oid   FROM compiler_function                      WHERE function_source ilike %$2%; /*
<-----  $2 
holds the name of the function on which is performed a dependency search. */            IF FOUND THEN
    /* < --- The rest is OK : EXECUTE works perfectly when there is no issue 
in testing results*/            v_query2 := ''INSERT INTO compiler_dependency (dependency_from, 
dependency_to ) SELECT compiler_function.function_oid, ''        || text($1) || '' FROM compiler_function WHERE
''''%'' || $2 || ''%'''';'';                    execute (v_query2);        RETURN 1;    ELSE        RETURN 0;    END
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;

My problem is that "ilike %$2%;" (line 13) does not work.
PL/PgSQL thinks % is the type of $2.
I tried the EXECUTE variable alternative without results.

Any idea to run the 'SELECT INTO rec xxx, xxxx, xxx, xxx WHERE YYYYYY ilike 
%$2%' ?
Is there a workaround like using a server-side function similar to 
ilike(varchar, varchar)->boolean ?

Greeting from Jean-Michel POURE, Paris

I think you haven't counted your quotes correctly.

quote_literal() would probably help you build a valid ILIKE pattern
with less pain.
        regards, tom lane