Thread: Is INSERT FROM considered a transaction?

Is INSERT FROM considered a transaction?

Matthew Hagerty

Sorry about all the posts lately, but things seems to be running *really* 
slow on my database.  I have two tables, both are identical and one is used 
to hold entries older than a certain date, i.e. the history table.  I use 
this query to move the old records from one to the other.  In this case, is 
each insert part of a big transaction that commits when it is done, or is 
each insert its own transaction?  Is there anything I can do to make this 
faster?  On average the entries table has about 50,000 records and the 
history_entries table has about 3.5 million.

insert into history_entries
select * from entries where domain='somevalue' and time_stamp between 
'date1' and 'date2'
