Thread: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

Foreign Key Columns And Indices

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
Just a quick question, when a column of a table is defined to be a foreign
key, is it implicitly indexed, or does one still need to explicitly CREATE


Christopher Kings-Lynne
Family Health Network (ACN 089 639 243)

Re: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

Philip Warner
At 11:01 5/02/01 +0800, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>Just a quick question, when a column of a table is defined to be a foreign
>key, is it implicitly indexed, or does one still need to explicitly CREATE

The referenced columns must be either a PK or the set of columns in a
Unique constraint. As a result, then will have indexes. Not sure about the
referencing table - are there any NOTICES when you create an FK?


PGSQL implements PK/FK & Unique constraints by using indexes (and rules) at
the moment. There is no guarantee that this will always be the case - in
fact, one path to rationalizing the constraints system is to implement most
features as SQL CHECK constraints: 

PK: Check( (Select Count(*) from Table Where PKCOLS=PKCOLS) = 1) 
FK: Check( (Select Count(*) from PK_Table Where PKCOLS=FKCOLS) = 1)


This is something I would like to see discussed for 7.2.


Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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Re: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

"Roderick A. Anderson"
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Just a quick question, when a column of a table is defined to be a foreign
> key, is it implicitly indexed, or does one still need to explicitly CREATE

I don't think you can actually declare the column in the table as a
foreign key.  A foreign key is a column or columns in another table.  For
a single column in the other table I'm pretty sure that column must be
'not null' and 'unique'.  An index - other than to inforce uniqueness
(currently how it's done in PostgreSQL?) - has nothing to do with the
foreign key.  Being a mere mortal - not a demi-god of PostgreSQLness - this could be
an over simplification or totally out to lunch.


Re: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Just a quick question, when a column of a table is defined to be a foreign
> key, is it implicitly indexed, or does one still need to explicitly CREATE

The foreign key columns are not currently implicitly indexed but you may
wish to index them if you're using a referential action other than no
action or restrict.

Re: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Philip Warner wrote:

> PGSQL implements PK/FK & Unique constraints by using indexes (and rules) at
> the moment. There is no guarantee that this will always be the case - in
> fact, one path to rationalizing the constraints system is to implement most
> features as SQL CHECK constraints: 
> PK: Check( (Select Count(*) from Table Where PKCOLS=PKCOLS) = 1) 
> FK: Check( (Select Count(*) from PK_Table Where PKCOLS=FKCOLS) = 1)

There are a couple of problems with this for the fk case.  The biggest
is that check constraints with subselects won't currently do the
correct thing (even if it allowed you to specify them).  We could
replace the current trigger on insert/update of fk table with a check
constraint assuming we made it possible to defer check constraints,
but all of the stuff on the pk table won't work that way due to 
the referential actions and the fact that you need to check after delete
on pk rows (which AFAIK we don't currently do for check constraints).

The spec gives the check version of the foreign key constraint but it
was unfortunate that they also added functionality which then made that
insufficient. :(

Re: Foreign Key Columns And Indices

Jan Wieck
Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > Just a quick question, when a column of a table is defined to be a foreign
> > key, is it implicitly indexed, or does one still need to explicitly CREATE
> > INDEX?
> The foreign key columns are not currently implicitly indexed but you may
> wish to index them if you're using a referential action other than no
> action or restrict.
   You'd  probably  want  to index them either way, because even   "NO ACTION" and "RESTRICT" mean  that  a  scan  for
existing  references is done on updates/deletes to the PK.



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