Thread: Message of MOVE

Message of MOVE

Kovacs Baldvin

I would like to ask you, the developers about the following

Because I wanted to know after issuing a MOVE, that how many
steps did really happen, I made a patch, and now the backend
not only replies "MOVE" but "MOVE XXX", where XXX is the
number of steps. It needed only a few new lines (3 or 4 :-)

Now the question is: should I use this solution,or should
I use an other? Is it possible that others are also interested
about this? Is it possible, that including this into the
source would be wrong, because some standards say "Say only
move, but don't tell how many rows you really moved?"


Re: Message of MOVE

Hannu Krosing
Kovacs Baldvin wrote:
> Hi!
> I would like to ask you, the developers about the following
> question.
> Because I wanted to know after issuing a MOVE, that how many
> steps did really happen, I made a patch, and now the backend
> not only replies "MOVE" but "MOVE XXX", where XXX is the
> number of steps. It needed only a few new lines (3 or 4 :-)
> Now the question is: should I use this solution,or should
> I use an other? Is it possible that others are also interested
> about this?

At least I would need it. I was myself contemplating adding a 
function that would tell me how many rows a select returned 
(without actually retrieving all of them) and this seems to 
cover it nicely

so I could do:

DECLARE mycursor SCROLL cursor for SELECT * from t;
MOVE 2000000000 IN mycursor;
<parse out the real move into X>;
MOVE -(X+1) IN mycursor;
<do what I need>;

> Is it possible, that including this into the
> source would be wrong, because some standards say "Say only
> move, but don't tell how many rows you really moved?"

I could not find _any_ MOVE command in ansi-iso-9075-2-1999.txt
so even our MOVE syntax is probably non-standard:

So seems to be our FETCH, as standard defines it as:
        <fetch statement> ::=             FETCH [ [ <fetch orientation> ] FROM ]               <cursor name> INTO
<fetchtarget list>
        <fetch orientation> ::=               NEXT             | PRIOR             | FIRST             | LAST
 | { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE } <simple value specification>
        <fetch target list> ::=             <target specification> [ { <comma> <target specification>
}... ]

and this must be done after "OPEN cursorname";
