Thread: AW: fs full stops postmaster

AW: fs full stops postmaster

Zeugswetter Andreas SB
> When the filesystem fills and the txlog cannot be written, 
> then the postmaster dies.
> postgres@s0188000zeu:/usr/postgres> time echo "copy 
> journaleintrag from '/tmp/j.unl' delimiters '|';" | psql cusejoua
> FATAL 2:  copy: line 64902, write(logfile 0 seg 2 off 
> 6094848) failed: No space left on device
> pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
>         This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
>         before or while processing the request.
> connection to server was lost
> I think it shoud stay up and running, but deny any 
> modification until the filesystem is extended.

This is an effect of the fact, that the file is not really created in its full size
even if ls shows the 16 mb. As an additional effect, the db does not 
start up any more --> txlog corrupted.
