Thread: Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

"Joel Burton"
Am I misunderstanding how to use rule w/conditionals, or is there a 
bug in this?


I love to use Pgsql comments, but find the 'comment on field...' 
language a bit of a pain for documenting a large database at the 
last minute. So, I wrote a query that pulls together all the fields in a 
database, w/descriptions (if any):

create view dev_col_comments as 
select a.oid as att_oid, relname, attname, description 
from pg_class c, pg_attribute a left outer join pg_description d on d.objoid=a.oid
where c.oid=a.attrelid
and (c.relkind='r' or c.relkind='v') and c.relname !~ '^pg_'
and attname not in ('xmax','xmin','cmax','cmin','ctid','oid','tableoid')
order by relname, attname;

[This uses pg7.1 syntax; you could rewrite for 7.0 w/o the 'v' for 
views, and using a union rather than outer join.]

This works great. Feeling clever, I wrote two rules, so I could 
update this and create comments. I need two rules, one if this is an 
existing description (becoming an update to pg_description), one if 
this not (becoming an insert to pg_description).

create rule dev_ins as on update to dev_col_comments where 
old.description isnull do instead insert into pg_description ( objoid, 
description) values (old.att_oid, new.description);

create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments where 
old.description notnull do instead update pg_description set 
description=new.description where objoid=old.att_oid;

This doesn't work: I get a "cannot update view w/o rule" error 
message, both for fields where description was null, and for fields 
where it wasn't null.

If I take out the "where old.description isnull" clause of dev_ins, it 
works fine--but, only, of course, if I am sure to only pick new 
descriptions. Or, if I take out the clause in dev_upd, it works too, 
with the opposite caveat.

Is this a bug? Am I misunderstanding something about the way that 
rule conditions should work? The docs are long but fuzzy on rules 
(they seem to suggest, for instance, that "create rule foo on 
update to table.column" will work, when this is not implemented yet, 
so perhaps the docs are ahead of the implementation?)

Any help would be great!

I do read the pgsql lists, but always appreciate a cc, so I don't miss 
any comments. TIA.


Joel Burton, Director of Information Systems -*-
Support Center of Washington (

Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Tom Lane
"Joel Burton" <> writes:
> create rule dev_ins as on update to dev_col_comments where 
> old.description isnull do instead insert into pg_description ( objoid, 
> description) values (old.att_oid, new.description);

> create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments where 
> old.description notnull do instead update pg_description set 
> description=new.description where objoid=old.att_oid;

> This doesn't work: I get a "cannot update view w/o rule" error 
> message, both for fields where description was null, and for fields 
> where it wasn't null.

Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
implement insertion or update of a view.

I'm not sure this is a big problem, though, because the solution is
simple: provide an unconditional rule with multiple actions.  For
example, I think this will work:

create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments do instead
( insert into pg_description (objoid, description)   select old.att_oid, new.description WHERE old.description isnull;
updatepg_description set description=new.description   where objoid = old.att_oid;

but I haven't tried it...
        regards, tom lane

Re: Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Mark Hollomon
On Wednesday 29 November 2000 19:42, Tom Lane wrote:
> Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
> bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
> so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
> code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
> implement insertion or update of a view.

The idea was to check just before the update occurred to see if the 
destination was view. Maybe the test is too high up, before all rewriting

It is in InitPlan, the same place we check to make sure that we are not 
changing a sequence or a toast table. (actually initResultRelInfo called from 
InitPlan). I gathered from the backend flowchart that this wasn't called 
until all rewriting was done. Was I wrong?

If all rewriting _is_ done at that point, why is the view still in the 
ResultRelInfo ?

Mark Hollomon

Re: Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Tom Lane
Mark Hollomon <> writes:
> On Wednesday 29 November 2000 19:42, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
>> bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
>> so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
>> code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
>> implement insertion or update of a view.

> It is in InitPlan, the same place we check to make sure that we are
> not changing a sequence or a toast table. (actually initResultRelInfo
> called from InitPlan). I gathered from the backend flowchart that this
> wasn't called until all rewriting was done. Was I wrong?

The rewriting is done, all right, but what's left afterward still has
references to the view, because each rule is conditional.  Essentially,
the rewriter output looks like
-- rule 1if (rule1 condition holds)    -- rule 2 applied to rule1 success case    if (rule2 condition holds)
applyrule 2's query    else        apply rule 1's queryelse    -- rule 2 applied to rule1 failure case    if (rule2
conditionholds)        apply rule 2's query    else        apply original query

If the system were capable of determining that either rule1 or rule2
condition will always hold, perhaps it could deduce that the original
query on the view will never be applied.  However, I doubt that we
really want to let loose an automated theorem prover on the results
of every rewrite ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

"Joel Burton"
On 29 Nov 2000, at 19:42, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Joel Burton" <> writes:
> > create rule dev_ins as on update to dev_col_comments where 
> > old.description isnull do instead insert into pg_description (
> > objoid, description) values (old.att_oid, new.description);
> > create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments where 
> > old.description notnull do instead update pg_description set 
> > description=new.description where objoid=old.att_oid;
> > This doesn't work: I get a "cannot update view w/o rule" error
> > message, both for fields where description was null, and for fields
> > where it wasn't null.

> [... ] I think this will work:
> create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments do instead
> (
>   insert into pg_description (objoid, description)
>     select old.att_oid, new.description WHERE old.description isnull;
>   update pg_description set description=new.description
>     where objoid = old.att_oid;
> )

Tom --

Thanks for the help. I had assumed (wrongly) that one could have 
conditional rules, and only if all the conditions fail, that it would go 
to the "cannot update view" end, and didn't realize that there 
*had* to be a single do instead.

In any event, though, the rule above crashes my backend, as do 
simpler versions I wrote that try your CREATE RULE DO INSTEAD ( 

What information can I provide to the list to troubleshoot this?


Joel Burton, Director of Information Systems -*-
Support Center of Washington (

Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Tom Lane
"Joel Burton" <> writes:
> In any event, though, the rule above crashes my backend, as do 
> simpler versions I wrote that try your CREATE RULE DO INSTEAD ( 
> INSERT; UPDATE; ) idea.

Ugh :-(

> What information can I provide to the list to troubleshoot this?

A gdb backtrace from the corefile, and/or a simple example to replicate
the problem...
        regards, tom lane

Re: Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Mark Hollomon
On Friday 01 December 2000 00:33, Tom Lane wrote:
> The rewriting is done, all right, but what's left afterward still has
> references to the view, because each rule is conditional.  Essentially,
> the rewriter output looks like
>     -- rule 1
>     if (rule1 condition holds)
>         -- rule 2 applied to rule1 success case
>         if (rule2 condition holds)
>             apply rule 2's query
>         else
>             apply rule 1's query
>     else
>         -- rule 2 applied to rule1 failure case
>         if (rule2 condition holds)
>             apply rule 2's query
>         else
>             apply original query
> If the system were capable of determining that either rule1 or rule2
> condition will always hold, perhaps it could deduce that the original
> query on the view will never be applied.  However, I doubt that we
> really want to let loose an automated theorem prover on the results
> of every rewrite ...

I think it would be better to move the test further down, to just before we 
actually try to do the update/insert. Maybe into the heap access routines as 
suggested by Andreas.

Mark Hollomon

Re: Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Tom Lane
Mark Hollomon <> writes:
> I think it would be better to move the test further down, to just before we 
> actually try to do the update/insert. Maybe into the heap access routines as 
> suggested by Andreas.

I'm worried about whether it'll be practical to generate a good error
message from that low a level.

Looking at it from the DBA's viewpoint rather than implementation
details, I haven't seen a good reason *why* we should support
conditional rules for views, as opposed to an unconditional rule with
multiple actions.  Seems to me that writing independent rules that you
hope will cover all cases is a great way to build an unreliable system.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:
> "Joel Burton" <> writes:
> > create rule dev_ins as on update to dev_col_comments where
> > old.description isnull do instead insert into pg_description ( objoid,
> > description) values (old.att_oid, new.description);
> > create rule dev_upd as on update to dev_col_comments where
> > old.description notnull do instead update pg_description set
> > description=new.description where objoid=old.att_oid;
> > This doesn't work: I get a "cannot update view w/o rule" error
> > message, both for fields where description was null, and for fields
> > where it wasn't null.
> Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
> bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
> so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
> code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
> implement insertion or update of a view.
   A  conditional rule splits the command into two, one with the   rules action and  the  condition  added,  one  which
is  the   original  statement  plus the negated condition. So there are   cases left where an INSERT can happen to  the
view  relation   and it's the job of this test to prevent it.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
>> bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
>> so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
>> code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
>> implement insertion or update of a view.

>     Disagree.

>     A  conditional rule splits the command into two, one with the
>     rules action and  the  condition  added,  one  which  is  the
>     original  statement  plus the negated condition. So there are
>     cases left where an INSERT can happen to  the  view  relation
>     and it's the job of this test to prevent it.

Well, in that case the present code is broken, because it's going to
spit up if any part of the rewritten query shows the view as result
relation (cf. QueryRewrite() ... note that this logic no longer looks
much like it did the last time you touched it ;-)).  You'd have to
convert the existing rewrite-time test into a runtime test in order to
see whether the query actually tries to insert any tuples into the view.

While that is maybe reasonable for insertions, it's totally silly
for update and delete queries.  Since the view itself can never contain
any tuples to be updated or deleted, a runtime test that errors out
when one attempts to update or delete such a tuple could never fire.
I don't think that means that we shouldn't complain about an update
or delete on a view.

I think the test is best left as-is...
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] Rules with Conditions: Bug, or Misunderstanding

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:
> Jan Wieck <> writes:
> > Tom Lane wrote:
> >> Hm.  Perhaps the "cannot update view" test is too strict --- it's not
> >> bright enough to realize that the two rules together cover all cases,
> >> so it complains that you *might* be trying to update the view.  As the
> >> code stands, you must provide an unconditional DO INSTEAD rule to
> >> implement insertion or update of a view.
> >     Disagree.
> >     A  conditional rule splits the command into two, one with the
> >     rules action and  the  condition  added,  one  which  is  the
> >     original  statement  plus the negated condition. So there are
> >     cases left where an INSERT can happen to  the  view  relation
> >     and it's the job of this test to prevent it.
> Well, in that case the present code is broken, because it's going to
> spit up if any part of the rewritten query shows the view as result
> relation (cf. QueryRewrite() ... note that this logic no longer looks
> much like it did the last time you touched it ;-)).  You'd have to
> convert the existing rewrite-time test into a runtime test in order to
> see whether the query actually tries to insert any tuples into the view.

> While that is maybe reasonable for insertions, it's totally silly
> for update and delete queries.  Since the view itself can never contain
> any tuples to be updated or deleted, a runtime test that errors out
> when one attempts to update or delete such a tuple could never fire.
> I don't think that means that we shouldn't complain about an update
> or delete on a view.
> I think the test is best left as-is...
   Since  conditional  rules  aren't  any  better compared to an   unconditional multi-action  instead  rule  where
the single   actions  have all the different conditions, let's leave it as   is and insist on one unconditional instead



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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