Thread: Fields Case problem

Fields Case problem

Giuseppe Tanzilli - CSF

I had a problem porting applications from mySQL.
I can't find info on this in the docs... so mailed the list, sorry for 
my english.

I create the fileds name with first letter uppercase, I need this way, 
because the result set must have the fileds name with the correct case 
in PHP.

I would like to be able to do a  select wich is not case sensitive on 
the field name.

for example:

Create table test ("CodUtente");

select CodUtente from test;
select codutente from test;

on the current tree I got errors on the two select ,
select "CodUtente" from test
will  work.

How ca i solve this problem ??
I can't rewrite all the query.
There is a patch somewhere to make pgsql really case insensitive (also 
in this strange case)?

thanks in advance

Giuseppe Tanzilli