Thread: unreachable block

unreachable block

Limin Liu

I found an unreachable block during studing the PostgreSQL 7.0.2 by
reading its souce code.

Starting from line 1383 in postgres.c
  1383         if (Verbose)  1384         {  1385                 if (Verbose)  1386                 {       :  1389
            }  1390                 else  1391                 {       :                         // !! unreachable
1405                }  1406         }

Can someone take a look of it?  This shouldn't take long time to fix.

Limin Liu

Re: unreachable block

Tom Lane
Seems to be long gone in current sources.

I think at one time the two if's probably tested different flags.
You could dig through our CVS server if you want to know the history.
        regards, tom lane