Thread: regress issues: UW7.1.1/PG7.1dev/GCC

regress issues: UW7.1.1/PG7.1dev/GCC

Larry Rosenman
Here is some regression stuff.  CVS as of about an hour or so ago 
(right after Tom answered my note...)

=============== Notes...                              =================
postmaster must already be running for the regression tests to succeed.
The time zone is set to PST8PDT for these tests by the client frontend.
Please report any apparent problems to
See regress/README for more information.

=============== dropping old regression database...   =================
ERROR:  DROP DATABASE: Database "regression" does not exist
dropdb: database removal failed
=============== creating new regression database...   =================
=============== installing languages...               =================
installing PL/pgSQL ..  ok
=============== running regression queries...         =================
boolean ..  ok
char ..  ok
name ..  ok
varchar ..  ok
text ..  ok
int2 ..  ok
int4 ..  ok
int8 ..  ok
oid ..  ok
float4 ..  ok
float8 ..  ok
numeric ..  ok
strings ..  ok
numerology ..  ok
point ..  ok
lseg ..  ok
box ..  ok
path ..  ok
polygon ..  ok
circle ..  ok
date ..  ok
time ..  ok
timestamp ..  ok
interval ..  ok
abstime ..  ok
reltime ..  ok
tinterval ..  ok
inet ..  ok
comments ..  failed
oidjoins ..  ok
type_sanity ..  ok
opr_sanity ..  ok
geometry ..  failed
horology ..  ok
create_function_1 ..  ok
create_type ..  ok
create_table ..  ok
create_function_2 ..  ok
copy ..  ok
constraints ..  ok
triggers ..  ok
create_misc ..  ok
create_aggregate ..  ok
create_operator ..  ok
create_index ..  ok
inherit ..  ok
create_view ..  ok
sanity_check ..  ok
errors ..  ok
select ..  ok
select_into ..  ok
select_distinct ..  ok
select_distinct_on ..  ok
select_implicit ..  ok
select_having ..  ok
subselect ..  ok
union ..  ok
case ..  ok
join ..  ok
aggregates ..  ok
transactions ..  ok
random ..  ok
portals ..  ok
arrays ..  ok
btree_index ..  ok
hash_index ..  ok
misc ..  ok
select_views ..  ok
alter_table ..  ok
portals_p2 ..  ok
rules ..  ok
foreign_key ..  ok
limit ..  ok
plpgsql ..  failed
temp ..  ok

*** expected/comments.out    Fri Jul 14 10:43:55 2000
--- results/comments.out    Sun Oct 22 19:38:45 2000
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,48 ---- */ /* This block comment surrounds a query which itself has a block comment... SELECT /* embedded single
line*/ 'embedded' AS x2;
+ ERROR:  Unterminated /* comment */ SELECT -- continued after the following block comments... /* Deeply nested
*** 57,65 **** Now just one deep... */ 'deeply nested example' AS sixth;
-          sixth         
- -----------------------
-  deeply nested example
- (1 row)
-  /* and this is the end of the file */
--- 58,62 ---- Now just one deep... */ 'deeply nested example' AS sixth; /* and this is the end of the file */
+ ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "*/"


*** expected/geometry.out    Tue Sep 12 16:07:16 2000
--- results/geometry.out    Sun Oct 22 19:38:49 2000
*** 443,454 ****    FROM CIRCLE_TBL;  six |

!      |
!      |
!      |
!      |
(6rows)  -- convert the circle to an 8-point polygon
--- 443,454 ----    FROM CIRCLE_TBL;  six |

!      |
!      |
!      |
!      |
(6rows)  -- convert the circle to an 8-point polygon
*** 456,467 ****    FROM CIRCLE_TBL;  six |

!      |
!      |
!      |
(6rows)  --
--- 456,467 ----    FROM CIRCLE_TBL;  six |

!      |
!      |
!      |
(6rows)  --


*** expected/plpgsql.out    Sun Oct 22 18:32:45 2000
--- results/plpgsql.out    Sun Oct 22 19:40:40 2000
*** 1007,1053 ****
--- 1007,1095 ---- -- Second we install the wall connectors -- insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.1a', '001', '', '');
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.1b', '001', '', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.2a', '001',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.2b', '001',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.3a', '001',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.3b', '001',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.1a', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.1b', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.2a', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.2b', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.3a', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.3b', '002',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.1a', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.1b', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.2a', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.2b', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.3a', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.3b', '003',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.1a', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.1b', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.2a', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.2b', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.3a', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.3b', '101',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.1a', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.1b', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.2a', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.2b', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.3a', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.3b', '102',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.1a', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.1b', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.2a', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.2b', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.3a', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.3b', '105',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.1a', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.1b', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.2a', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.2b', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.3a', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.3b', '106',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- Now create the patch fields and their
*** 1056,1081 ****
--- 1098,1141 ---- -- The cables for these will be made later, so they are unconnected for now -- insert into PSlot
values('PS.base.a1', 'PF0_1', '', '');
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a2', 'PF0_1', '', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a3', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a4', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a5', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a6', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- These are already wired to the wall
connectors-- insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b1', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.1a');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b2', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b3', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b4', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b5', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b6', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c1', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c2', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c3', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c4', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c5', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c6', 'PF0_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- This patchfield will be renamed later into
PF0_2- so its -- slots references in pfname should follow
*** 1082,1123 ****
--- 1142,1219 ---- -- insert into PField values ('PF0_X', 'Phonelines basement'); insert into PSlot values
('PS.base.ta1','PF0_X', '', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta2',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta3',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta4',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta5',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta6',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb1',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb2',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb3',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb4',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb5',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb6',
'PF0_X','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PField values ('PF1_1', 'Wallslots
1stfloor'); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a1', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.1a');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a2', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a3', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a4', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a5', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a6', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b1', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b2', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b3', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b4', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b5', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b6', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c1', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c2', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c3', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c4', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c5', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c6', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d1', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d2', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d3', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d4', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d5', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d6', 'PF1_1',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- Now we wire the wall connectors 1a-2a in
room001 to the -- patchfield. In the second update we make an error, and
*** 1127,1197 **** update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3'; select * from WSlot where
roomno= '001' order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.2a' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a2'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a2          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  -- -- Same procedure for 2b-3b but this time updating the WSlot instead
--- 1223,1257 ---- update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3'; select * from WSlot where
roomno= '001' order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.2a' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a2'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  -- -- Same procedure for 2b-3b but this time updating the WSlot instead
*** 1202,1407 **** update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a'; select * from WSlot where
roomno= '001' order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a2          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a4          
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a6          
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      |                     
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2b           
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3a           
! (6 rows)  update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3b'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a2          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a4          
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      |                     
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a6          
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2b           
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3b           
! (6 rows)  update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a5' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a2          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a4          
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a5          
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a6          
! (6 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;        slotname       | pfname |
slotlink      |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2b           
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3a           
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3b           
! (6 rows)  insert into PField values ('PF1_2', 'Phonelines 1st floor'); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta1',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta2', 'PF1_2', '', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta3',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta4', 'PF1_2', '', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta5',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta6', 'PF1_2', '', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb1',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb2', 'PF1_2', '', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb3',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb4', 'PF1_2', '', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb5',
'PF1_2','', ''); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb6', 'PF1_2', '', ''); -- -- Fix the wrong name for patchfield
PF0_2-- update PField set name = 'PF0_2' where name = 'PF0_X'; select * from PSlot order by slotname;        slotname
   | pfname |       slotlink       |       backlink       
! ----------------------+--------+----------------------+----------------------
!  PS.1st.a1            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.1a           
!  PS.1st.a2            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.1b           
!  PS.1st.a3            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.2a           
!  PS.1st.a4            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.2b           
!  PS.1st.a5            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.3a           
!  PS.1st.a6            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.101.3b           
!  PS.1st.b1            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.1a           
!  PS.1st.b2            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.1b           
!  PS.1st.b3            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.2a           
!  PS.1st.b4            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.2b           
!  PS.1st.b5            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.3a           
!  PS.1st.b6            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.102.3b           
!  PS.1st.c1            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.1a           
!  PS.1st.c2            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.1b           
!  PS.1st.c3            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.2a           
!  PS.1st.c4            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.2b           
!  PS.1st.c5            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.3a           
!  PS.1st.c6            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.105.3b           
!  PS.1st.d1            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.1a           
!  PS.1st.d2            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.1b           
!  PS.1st.d3            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.2a           
!  PS.1st.d4            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.2b           
!  PS.1st.d5            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.3a           
!  PS.1st.d6            | PF1_1  |                      | WS.106.3b           
!  PS.1st.ta1           | PF1_2  |                      |
!  PS.1st.ta2           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.ta3           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.ta4           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.ta5           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.ta6           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb1           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb2           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb3           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb4           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb5           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.1st.tb6           | PF1_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.a1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1a           
!  PS.base.a2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.1b           
!  PS.base.a3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2a           
!  PS.base.a4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.2b           
!  PS.base.a5           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3a           
!  PS.base.a6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.001.3b           
!  PS.base.b1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.1a           
!  PS.base.b2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.1b           
!  PS.base.b3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.2a           
!  PS.base.b4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.2b           
!  PS.base.b5           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.3a           
!  PS.base.b6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.002.3b           
!  PS.base.c1           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.1a           
!  PS.base.c2           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.1b           
!  PS.base.c3           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.2a           
!  PS.base.c4           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.2b           
!  PS.base.c5           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.3a           
!  PS.base.c6           | PF0_1  |                      | WS.003.3b           
!  PS.base.ta1          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.ta2          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.ta3          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.ta4          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.ta5          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.ta6          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb1          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb2          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb3          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb4          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb5          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
!  PS.base.tb6          | PF0_2  |                      |                     
! (66 rows)  select * from WSlot order by slotname;        slotname       |  roomno  |       slotlink       |
! ----------------------+----------+----------------------+----------------------
!  WS.001.1a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a1          
!  WS.001.1b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a2          
!  WS.001.2a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a3          
!  WS.001.2b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a4          
!  WS.001.3a            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a5          
!  WS.001.3b            | 001      |                      | PS.base.a6          
!  WS.002.1a            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b1          
!  WS.002.1b            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b2          
!  WS.002.2a            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b3          
!  WS.002.2b            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b4          
!  WS.002.3a            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b5          
!  WS.002.3b            | 002      |                      | PS.base.b6          
!  WS.003.1a            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c1          
!  WS.003.1b            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c2          
!  WS.003.2a            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c3          
!  WS.003.2b            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c4          
!  WS.003.3a            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c5          
!  WS.003.3b            | 003      |                      | PS.base.c6          
!  WS.101.1a            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a1           
!  WS.101.1b            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a2           
!  WS.101.2a            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a3           
!  WS.101.2b            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a4           
!  WS.101.3a            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a5           
!  WS.101.3b            | 101      |                      | PS.1st.a6           
!  WS.102.1a            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b1           
!  WS.102.1b            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b2           
!  WS.102.2a            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b3           
!  WS.102.2b            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b4           
!  WS.102.3a            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b5           
!  WS.102.3b            | 102      |                      | PS.1st.b6           
!  WS.105.1a            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c1           
!  WS.105.1b            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c2           
!  WS.105.2a            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c3           
!  WS.105.2b            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c4           
!  WS.105.3a            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c5           
!  WS.105.3b            | 105      |                      | PS.1st.c6           
!  WS.106.1a            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d1           
!  WS.106.1b            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d2           
!  WS.106.2a            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d3           
!  WS.106.2b            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d4           
!  WS.106.3a            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d5           
!  WS.106.3b            | 106      |                      | PS.1st.d6           
! (42 rows)  -- -- Install the central phone system and create the phone numbers.
--- 1262,1336 ---- update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a'; select * from WSlot where
roomno= '001' order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3b'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a5' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a'; select * from WSlot where roomno =
'001'order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;  slotname | pfname | slotlink |
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  insert into PField values ('PF1_2', 'Phonelines 1st floor'); insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta1',
'PF1_2','', '');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta2', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta3', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta4', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta5', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta6', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb1', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb2', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb3', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb4', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb5', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb6', 'PF1_2',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- Fix the wrong name for patchfield PF0_2 --
updatePField set name = 'PF0_2' where name = 'PF0_X';
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler select * from PSlot order by slotname;  slotname | pfname |
slotlink| backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  select * from WSlot order by slotname;  slotname | roomno | slotlink | backlink 
! ----------+--------+----------+----------
! (0 rows)  -- -- Install the central phone system and create the phone numbers.
*** 1410,1445 ****
--- 1339,1398 ---- -- backlink field. -- insert into PLine values ('PL.001', '-0', 'Central call', 'PS.base.ta1');
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler insert into PLine values ('PL.002', '-101', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.003', '-102', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.004', '-103', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.005', '-104', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.006', '-106', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.007', '-108', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.008', '-109', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.009', '-121', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.010', '-122', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.015', '-134', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.016', '-137', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.017', '-139', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.018', '-362', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.019', '-363', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.020', '-364', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.021', '-365', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.022', '-367', '',
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.028', '-501', 'Fax
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into PLine values ('PL.029', '-502', 'Fax
1stfloor', 'PS.1st.ta1');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer -- -- Buy some phones, plug them into the wall
andpatch the -- phone lines to the corresponding patchfield slots. -- insert into PHone values ('PH.hc001', 'Hicom
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta1' where slotname =
'PS.base.a1';insert into PHone values ('PH.hc002', 'Hicom standard', 'WS.002.1a');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta5' where
slotname= 'PS.base.b1'; insert into PHone values ('PH.hc003', 'Hicom standard', 'WS.002.2a');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.tb2' where
slotname= 'PS.base.b3'; insert into PHone values ('PH.fax001', 'Canon fax', 'WS.001.2a');
+ ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta2' where
slotname= 'PS.base.a3'; -- -- Install a hub at one of the patchfields, plug a computers
*** 1446,1453 ****
--- 1399,1408 ---- -- ethernet interface into the wall and patch it to the hub. -- insert into Hub values ('base.hub1',
'PatchfieldPF0_1 hub', 16);
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler insert into System values ('orion', 'PC'); insert into IFace
values('IF', 'orion', 'eth0', 'WS.002.1b');
+ ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler update PSlot set slotlink = 'HS.base.hub1.1' where slotname =
'PS.base.b2';-- -- Now we take a look at the patchfield
*** 1454,1496 **** -- select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_1' order by slotname;  pfname |       slotname
|                        backside                         |                     patch                     
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a1           | WS.001.1a in room 001 -> Phone PH.hc001 (Hicom standard) | PS.base.ta1 -> Phone line
-0(Central call)
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a2           | WS.001.1b in room 001 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a3           | WS.001.2a in room 001 -> Phone PH.fax001 (Canon fax)     | PS.base.ta2 -> Phone line
-501(Fax entrance)
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a4           | WS.001.2b in room 001 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a5           | WS.001.3a in room 001 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.a6           | WS.001.3b in room 001 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b1           | WS.002.1a in room 002 -> Phone PH.hc002 (Hicom standard) | PS.base.ta5 -> Phone line
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b2           | WS.002.1b in room 002 -> orion IF eth0 (PC)              | Patchfield PF0_1 hub slot
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b3           | WS.002.2a in room 002 -> Phone PH.hc003 (Hicom standard) | PS.base.tb2 -> Phone line
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b4           | WS.002.2b in room 002 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b5           | WS.002.3a in room 002 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.b6           | WS.002.3b in room 002 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c1           | WS.003.1a in room 003 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c2           | WS.003.1b in room 003 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c3           | WS.003.2a in room 003 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c4           | WS.003.2b in room 003 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c5           | WS.003.3a in room 003 -> -                               | -
!  PF0_1  | PS.base.c6           | WS.003.3b in room 003 -> -                               | -
! (18 rows)  select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_2' order by slotname;  pfname |       slotname       |
  backside            |                                 patch                                  
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta1          | Phone line -0 (Central call)   | PS.base.a1 -> WS.001.1a in room 001 -> Phone
PH.hc001(Hicom standard)
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta2          | Phone line -501 (Fax entrance) | PS.base.a3 -> WS.001.2a in room 001 -> Phone
PH.fax001(Canon fax)
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta3          | Phone line -102                | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta4          | -                              | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta5          | Phone line -103                | PS.base.b1 -> WS.002.1a in room 002 -> Phone
PH.hc002(Hicom standard)
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.ta6          | Phone line -104                | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb1          | -                              | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb2          | Phone line -106                | PS.base.b3 -> WS.002.2a in room 002 -> Phone
PH.hc003(Hicom standard)
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb3          | Phone line -108                | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb4          | Phone line -109                | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb5          | Phone line -121                | -
!  PF0_2  | PS.base.tb6          | Phone line -122                | -
! (12 rows)  -- -- Finally we want errors
--- 1409,1421 ---- -- select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_1' order by slotname;  pfname | slotname | backside |
! --------+----------+----------+-------
! (0 rows)  select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_2' order by slotname;  pfname | slotname | backside | patch 
! --------+----------+----------+-------
! (0 rows)  -- -- Finally we want errors
*** 1498,1517 **** insert into PField values ('PF1_1', 'should fail due to unique index'); ERROR:  Cannot insert a
duplicatekey into unique index pfield_name update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.not.there' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
- ERROR:  WS.not.there         does not exist update PSlot set backlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
- ERROR:  illegal backlink beginning with XX update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.not.there' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
- ERROR:  PS.not.there         does not exist update PSlot set slotlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
- ERROR:  illegal slotlink beginning with XX insert into HSlot values ('HS', 'base.hub1', 1, '');
! ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index hslot_name insert into HSlot values ('HS', 'base.hub1', 20,
! ERROR:  no manual manipulation of HSlot delete from HSlot;
- ERROR:  no manual manipulation of HSlot insert into IFace values ('IF', 'notthere', 'eth0', '');
! ERROR:  system "notthere" does not exist insert into IFace values ('IF', 'orion', 'ethernet_interface_name_too_long',
! ERROR:  IFace slotname "IF.orion.ethernet_interface_name_too_long" too long (20 char max)
--- 1423,1437 ---- insert into PField values ('PF1_1', 'should fail due to unique index'); ERROR:  Cannot insert a
duplicatekey into unique index pfield_name update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.not.there' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
updatePSlot set backlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1'; update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.not.there' where
slotname= 'PS.base.a1'; update PSlot set slotlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1'; insert into HSlot
values('HS', 'base.hub1', 1, '');
! ERROR:  fmgr_info: language 19040 has old-style handler insert into HSlot values ('HS', 'base.hub1', 20, '');
! ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer delete from HSlot; insert into IFace values
('IF','notthere', 'eth0', '');
! ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer insert into IFace values ('IF', 'orion',
! ERROR:  Internal error: fmgr_oldstyle received NULL function pointer


Larry Rosenman            
Phone: +1 972-414-9812 (voice) Internet:
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

Re: regress issues: UW7.1.1/PG7.1dev/GCC

Peter Eisentraut
Larry Rosenman writes:

> comments ..  failed

> geometry ..  failed

> *** expected/comments.out    Fri Jul 14 10:43:55 2000
> --- results/comments.out    Sun Oct 22 19:38:45 2000
> ***************
> *** 42,47 ****
> --- 42,48 ----
>   */
>   /* This block comment surrounds a query which itself has a block comment...
>   SELECT /* embedded single line */ 'embedded' AS x2;
> + ERROR:  Unterminated /* comment
>   */
>   SELECT -- continued after the following block comments...
>   /* Deeply nested comment.

I'll bet lunch that the test driver is using an old psql that didn't know
about nested comments.  Similar for the plpgsql failure.  You should use
gmake installcheck to run the tests with the improved driver.

The geometry failure is to be expected, all the others have passed for me
on your box.

Peter Eisentraut