Thread: Odd behavior on update?

Odd behavior on update?

Dan Moschuk
I'm trying to track down a source of great slowdown on our database, and
I seem to have become stuck.

If I issue the command...

c2net=> UPDATE url SET last_hit = 971456105 WHERE memid = 1;

This is all I see of it in my -d 2 window log.

query: UPDATE url SET last_hit = 971456105 WHERE memid = 1;

The query actually never completes.  Eventually getting bored, I ^C the
client, and receive the message..

c2net=> UPDATE url SET last_hit = 971456105 WHERE memid = 1;
^CCancel request sent
ERROR:  Query cancel requested while waiting lock

It seems to be stuck, as no longer how long I wait for this to become 
unlocked, it never wants to become free.  

Suggestions on where to go from here?

Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called
upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.               -- Oscar Wilde