Thread: -d 2 frustration

-d 2 frustration

Dan Moschuk
Running postgres in -d 2 mode is a little frustrating on a server that 
processes as little as 10 queries a second.  Can we not add getpid() or
something to that code so that we might track which output belongs to
which server a little easier?


Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called
upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.               -- Oscar Wilde

Re: -d 2 frustration

Peter Eisentraut
Dan Moschuk writes:

> Running postgres in -d 2 mode is a little frustrating on a server that 
> processes as little as 10 queries a second.  Can we not add getpid() or
> something to that code so that we might track which output belongs to
> which server a little easier?

If you're running 7.1-to-be, put "log_pid = on" in your postgresql.conf.  
For earlier versions, look for ELOG_TIMESTAMPS in src/include/config.h and
check out how to turn it on with the pg_options file.  (It's in the
documentation somewhere.)

Peter Eisentraut