Thread: FW: oracle ate

FW: oracle ate

Hmm, no response on pgsql-general.  Anyone up on
oracle's implementation?

Elein Mustain

-----Original Message-----
From: elein []
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 6:41 PM
Cc: elein
Subject: oracle ate

Does anyone have a writeup or deconstruction of the
implementation of Oracle's extensibility capabilities?

I am a long time ordbms proponent (illustra, informix and
now postgresql).  And I have heard mixed information
regarding Oracle's extensibility. Do they use a unified 
type system?   Are cartriges separate processes? Do the 
separate processes (if they are) share memory with the 
server process or is all the communication through pipish 
things. If I don't use their standard cartridges (image, 
text, video) how easy is it to write my own.  Any GIS 
specific pro or con info w/Oracle?  Am I asking the right

I would like to put the questions to rest and get on with it.

Feel free to point me to the right audience or source if
this is not a good question for this group.


Re: FW: oracle ate

Don Baccus
At 05:47 PM 10/3/00 -0700, elein wrote:
>Hmm, no response on pgsql-general.  Anyone up on
>oracle's implementation?

You can subscribe to Oracle's Technet on the web for free (start
at and read all their manuals on-line.

AFAIK, Oracle themselves are somewhat up on Oracle's implementation
of various things, so reading their FREE on-line documentation would
seem like a good place to start.

If you can't find what you want there, FREE discussion forums not
terribly unlike this one are filled with Oracle drones eager to ask
your questions.

If you still can't get the answer you need, download a FREE Oracle
developer's copy, install it, and test yourself.

As a fervent Postgres supporter, I happen to believe in availing myself
of such FREE Oracle services as much as possible, partly because I use it
in one sphere of my professional (paid) life, but also because they are
such a fertile source of information on Oracle.

Trust me - you'll learn more about Oracle from Oracle docs, Oracle 
forums, and free copies of Oracle than you'll learn here.

Just as clearly, you'll learn a lot more about Postgres here...

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <> Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest Rare Bird Alert
Serviceand other goodies at