Thread: Re: Session characteristics

Re: Session characteristics

Thomas Lockhart
> I see we have a command
> Where does that come from/fit in? I can't see it in SQL 99.

I found SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS in my copy of the SQL99 draft docs
which have been discussed on this list. afaik there is no concept of
"autocommit on/off" in SQL9x, but clearly if we support "session
characteristics" this would be one to include. I intend to add it in (as
I did for the other SESSION CHARACTERISTICS feature) but if someone
beats me to it, I'll not be upset.

I imagine that your question is not really about SET SESSION... but
about the latter half of the command above; as I mentioned SQL9x does
not have the concept of "autocommit", but Postgres does not (yet) have
the concept of SQL9x-compatible "never autocommit". The SET SESSION...
would allow us to do both.

The syntax itself is a bit verbose, and if SQL99 doesn't really have it
I'd be happy to consider shorter alternatives. btw, we usually *do*
support a shorter alternative via the SET key=val feature.
                      - Thomas