Thread: Functions and Null Values

Functions and Null Values

Thomas Swan
On v7.0.2:<br /><br /> I have a function preferred(text, text).   It returns the second argument if the second is not
nullor the first if the second is null.<br /> I understand I can use coalesce, but this is a simple case and not
practicalbut illustrates the point.<br /><br /> If I do select col1, col2, preferred(col1, col2) as col3 col3 only
containsvalues where col2 had a non-null value.<br /><br /> create function preferred(text, text)<br /> returns text<br
/>as '<br /> declare<br />         first alias for $1;<br />         second alias for $2;<br /> begin<br />         if
     secondisnull<br />         then<br />                 return first;<br />         else<br />
                returnsecond;<br />         end if;<br /> end;'<br /> language 'plpgsql';<br /><br /> e.g.<br /><br
/><fontface="Courier, Courier">col1|col2<br /> ----+----<br />  Am | y<br />  Ba |NULL<br />  Ca | t<br /><br
/></font>Iexpect<br /><br /><font face="Courier, Courier">col1|col2|col3<br /> ----+----+-----<br />  Am | y  | Amy<br
/> Ba |NULL| Ba<br />  Ca | t  | Cat<br /><br /></font>I get <br /><br /><font face="Courier,
Courier">col1|col2|col3<br/> ----+----+-----<br />  Am | y  | Amy<br />  Ba |NULL|NULL<br />  Ca | t  | Cat<br /><br
/></font>My major question is how to pass NULL values or values that could be potentially NULL into the function and
geta reliable result.<br /><br /> From what I can gather the function only gets called when both values are present and
notwhen any of them are NULL.   Is it because there isn't a match for preferred(text, NULL) or is it something else? 
<br/><br /><br /> - <br /> - <b><u>Thomas Swan</u></b>                                   <br /> - Graduate Student  -
ComputerScience<br /> - The University of Mississippi<br /> - <br /> - "People can be categorized into two fundamental
<br/> - groups, those that divide people into two groups <br /> - and those that don't." 

Re: Functions and Null Values

Tom Lane
Thomas Swan <> writes:
> From what I can gather the function only gets called when both values are 
> present and not when any of them are NULL.

It's sillier than that: the function does actually get called, and then
the return value is thrown away and replaced with a NULL.  This is an
inherent limitation of the old function-call interface.  It is fixed for
7.1 but I don't know of any good workaround for 7.0.* or before.
        regards, tom lane