Thread: PostgreSQL wins against some other SQL RDBMS

PostgreSQL wins against some other SQL RDBMS


I've just found a good news on slashdot, it links to a good test published on Apache Today
where PostgreSQL is tested against some other DBMS:

"In the AS3AP tests, PostgreSQL 7.0 significantly outperformed both the leading commercial and open source applications
inspeed and scalability. In the tested configuration, Postgres peaked at 1127.8 transactions per second with five
users,and still processed at a steady rate of 1070.4 with 100 users.
The proprietary leader also performed consistently, with a high of 314.15
transactions per second with eight users, which fell slightly to 288.37
transactions per second with 100 users. The other leading proprietary
database also demonstrated consistency, running at 200.21 transactions per
second with six users and 197.4 with 100."

I'm sure that it is to add to your news section.

Bye,          \fer