Thread: FWD: Bugs with GRANT ?

FWD: Bugs with GRANT ?

Tom Lane
Forwarded without comment; this remote connection is too slow to want
to check into it.  I doubt the shmem failure is due to the GRANT thing
though.  Has anyone ever seen that before?
        regards, tom lane

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Date:    Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:03:33 -0700 (PDT)
From:    Marius Andreiana <>
Subject: Bugs with GRANT ?

Hello, please forward this to pg devel list, I'm
not subscribed. Got your address on the website.
Thanks for help!

Hi, I'm using postgresql 7.02

Here's the problem : I created an user "marius" with
create database permission. From now on I work with

I created a database, populated, ... Now in psql :

\z lists objects and Access permissions column is empty.
grant select on members to me;CHANGE
\zmembers' permissions are {"=","me=r"}
select * from member;ERROR:  members: Permission denied.

So, when granting a permission to another user, the
owner of the database
looses the ALL permission he has on that object; even
after revoking
the perm, it's shown as {"="} and nobody can access it
(I have to use GRANT to give the owner the permission)

I don't think this is right, is it ? IMHO, the owner
of the database
has always ALL permission on all objects, and I can't
mess with that.
(nor GRANT, neither REVOKE)

2 minutes later I shut down postmaster as usual, then
when trying to 
start it I get

000812.12:50:04.683   [991] IpcMemoryCreate: shmget
failed (Identifier removed) key=5432010, size=144,
This type of error is usually caused by an improper
shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
For more information, see the FAQ and
FAQ's in the source directory pgsql/doc or on our
web site at
000812.12:50:04.766   [991] IpcMemoryIdGet: shmget
failed (Identifier removed) key=5432010, size=144,
000812.12:50:04.796   [991] IpcMemoryAttach: shmat
failed (Invalid argument) id=-2
000812.12:50:04.822   [991] FATAL 1: 
AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment

This never happened to me, I use postgres from 6.5
version; could this be
because of the same GRANT/REVOKE ? (strange
coincidence if not...)
After reinstalling postgres, it still didn't worked
(same error). After
restarting the machine (Linux 2.2.14) it worked.


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