Thread: AW: Now PostgreSQL recovers from errors within trns

AW: Now PostgreSQL recovers from errors within trns

Zeugswetter Andreas SB
> > writes:
> > > My goal is to make the backend accept erroneous commands, 
> not falling
> > > in *ABORT STATE*, but rolling back automatically, & 
> continue accepting
> > > commands.
> > 
> > The way you're doing it, you might as well just not use transaction
> > blocks at all.  I don't think wiping out the effects of all 
> preceding
> > commands within the transaction counts as "recovering from 
> an error".
> Ok, maybe I exagerated, but kind of solves my problem. 
> GeneXus, my CASE tool,
> will send begin/commit pairs, so I must 'recover' 
> automatically. I aimed
> DB2-like behaviour, which I was told, aborts on errors within 
> transactions, but
> remains in a runnable state. Don't you consider it valueable 
> whatsoever?

DB/2 only aborts the one single statement inside this transaction.
What you did will rollback everything since the last begin work,
and thus is rather dangerous.


Re: AW: Now PostgreSQL recovers from errors within trns

Zeugswetter Andreas SB wrote:
> > Ok, maybe I exagerated, but kind of solves my problem.
> > GeneXus, my CASE tool,
> > will send begin/commit pairs, so I must 'recover'
> > automatically. I aimed
> > DB2-like behaviour, which I was told, aborts on errors within
> > transactions, but
> > remains in a runnable state. Don't you consider it valueable
> > whatsoever?
> DB/2 only aborts the one single statement inside this transaction.
> What you did will rollback everything since the last begin work,
> and thus is rather dangerous.

Ok, I understand. About this, when PostgreSQL has nested transactions, is it
already planned that every single statement runs within its own transaction, so
that if it goes bad, it doesn't abort the sorounding transaction?

Does anybody know where I can find more info on Write Ahead Log, i.e. when it
will be ready, and what its features will be?



----------------------+------------------------Haroldo Stenger      | hstenger@ieee.orgMontevideo, Uruguay. |
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