Thread: Arrays how to...

Arrays how to...

Hi all,

I'm banging my head over this one:

I want to set a table like this:
CREATE TABLE readers (
name varchar not null primary key,
documents int[]);

where name is the name of a reader and documents a list of documents he
can access.

So it's easy to say: hi, you're authorized to read his, this and this.

Now I want to know who can read document x (there can be sevral readers
for a single doc)

I also want to put referencial integrity in that each document listed has
to be in a documents table.

How can I do that?

Maybe the simplest solution is one row per reader/document. 

Any clues?
Olivier PRENANT             Tel:    +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
Quartier d'Harraud Turrou           +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
31190 AUTERIVE                      +33-6-07-63-80-64 (GSM)
FRANCE                      Email:
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