Thread: Geometry test broken

Geometry test broken

From (Jan Wieck)
   PATH  seems  to be an SQL3 reserved keyword (someone added it   to the parser as such).
   But there is a geometric function  path(),  which  cannot  be   used  any  more,  thus breaking the regression test.
Neither   could path be used as identifier  for  tables/attributes  any   more.
   Shouldn't it be allowed as identifier?



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== #

Re: Geometry test broken

Thomas Lockhart
>     PATH  seems  to be an SQL3 reserved keyword (someone added it
>     to the parser as such).

I introduced this recently, and have patches to fix it. The patches
slightly alter the allowed argument space for some other constructs, but
all of the regression tests pass. Will commit asap (as I claimed I would
do a few days ago; sorry for the delay).
                    - Thomas