David J. MacKenzie writes:
These sound like interesting features, but you need to start with the
current sources. The options handling in particular has changed, look in
> 4. The ability to, if run as root, open a pid file in /var/run as
> root, and then setuid to the desired user. (mysqld -u can almost
> do this; I had to patch it, too).
I've been wondering about this too. If we could set the user name in the
configuration file then this would certainly make the installation
procedures a lot simpler. Actually, initdb could use such an option as
well. Maybe this would work:
if test `pg_id -u` -eq 0 ; then su -l "$user" "$0 $*" exit
where $user is the value of the --user/-u option.
> 1. Adds an environment variable PGUNIXSOCKET, analogous to MYSQL_UNIX_PORT,
> and command line options -k --unix-socket to the relevant programs.
Here's the trick question, what does this do: `psql -k foo -h bar'?
Perhaps we can integrate this into the -h option:
psql -h /tmp/foo => Unix socket
psql -h tmp.foo => TCP/IP
psql -h foo => TCP/IP
psql -h ./foo => Unix socket
That way we don't have to add a new option everywhere. Just an idea.
> 2. Adds a -h option to postmaster to set the hostname or IP address to
> listen on instead of the default INADDR_ANY.
That sounds like something that needs to be added into guc.c. You'll be
the first to add a string option, so it probably won't work. :)
Peter Eisentraut Sernanders väg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net 75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/ Sweden