Thread: Re: AW: Modified pg_dump & new pg_restore need testing...

Re: AW: Modified pg_dump & new pg_restore need testing...

Philip Warner
At 09:56 3/07/00 +0200, Zeugswetter Andreas SB wrote:
>> - the default output file format is a custom format with compressed
>> sections (the data dumps). It is NOT a text file.
>Can this be turned off, or made to be feature, that you can turn on ? 
>Imho most dumps will be piped to a locally 
>optimized compressor (a tape, a storage manager, lzop, ...) anyway, 
>thus most of the time a backup would compress twice.

Yes. The default is now plain text for compatibility with the original
pg_dump (and with pg_dumpall). But by going to plain text output you gain
none of the features of pg_restore (reordering, selection etc).

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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