Thread: AW: SQL99 functions

AW: SQL99 functions

Zeugswetter Andreas SB
> Thomas Lockhart <> writes:
> > I see mention in SQL99 of function definitions which can 
> have IN, OUT,
> > and INOUT arguments. Any thoughts on how this could be supported in
> > Postgres?
> I noticed that but haven't quite figured out how it's supposed to fit
> into the SQL worldview at all.  Surely
>     SELECT foo(x) FROM table
> shouldn't silently mutate into an UPDATE depending on how foo() is
> declared.  Exactly where is a function with OUT args useful in SQL?

This is something Oracle pushed through, because that is how they do it.
I prefer the usual way of doing such things where you have parameters
and return values to functions (but return values should be multi column 
and multi row capable).
