I found the following odd behavior in v7.0.2 when issuing the
'create group' command. Namely, I cannot create a group named 'trusted'
unless I use 'insert into pg_group...' syntax. Any other group name works
as expected... well, at least those that I have tried.
Cheers, Jon
PS: I am running home-rolled v7.0.2 of Pg, on a linux v2.2.16 i686
box. I have also test this on a v7.0.1 installation, with the same
result. I cannot test this on a v6.5.x installation, b/c the 'create
group' command did not exist then.
template1=# create group trusted;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "trusted"
template1=# insert into pg_group (groname) values ('trusted');
INSERT 18786 1
-**-*-*---*-*---*-*---*-----*-*-----*---*-*---*-----*-----*-*-----*---Jon LaphamCentro Nacional de Ressonancia
MagneticaNuclear de MacromoleculasUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) - Brasilemail: