Thread: Developer's snapshot docs

Developer's snapshot docs

Thomas Lockhart
I've fixed up the automatic doc generation on to do the
 Automatically cvs update and build all html docs Put tarballs on the ftp site in /pub/dev/docs Put tarballs on the web
sitein devel-corner/docs/ Unpack the tarballs in devel-corner/docs/{postgres,admin,...} Post the log of the process to

Vince, could we update the developer's web page to point to this, moving
the info for the development docs from the normal user's docs page?
Also, can we move the "developer's bio" page to be reachable from this
new default developer's web page? Other info, presumably, would include
pointers to TOAST, etc etc.

Also, I've committed changes to get the docs to actually build; they had
accumulated a bit of markup trouble.

Things seem to run OK; I'd doing an end-to-end test right now.
                  - Thomas