Thread: Increasing row size beyond 8k

Increasing row size beyond 8k

"Mitch Vincent"
    There was some talk a while back of changing the blocksize to 32k in
order to increase possible row size, I need to do this (and don't want to
screw anything up) but am unsure about how to go about it.. Is BLKSZ (if
that's even correct) simply a PG variable somewhere?

I see this in my LINT kernel configuration file (I'm using FreeBSD 4.0)

# BLKDEV_IOSIZE sets the default block size used in user block
# device I/O.  Note that this value will be overriden by the label
# when specifying a block device from a label with a non-0
# partition blocksize.  The default is PAGE_SIZE.
options         BLKDEV_IOSIZE=8192

That sounds like what I'm looking for and since it's set to 8k, looks like
what I'm looking for -- so would I be correct in changing this value and
re-compiling my kernel?



Re: Increasing row size beyond 8k

Tom Lane
"Mitch Vincent" <> writes:
>     There was some talk a while back of changing the blocksize to 32k in
> order to increase possible row size, I need to do this (and don't want to
> screw anything up) but am unsure about how to go about it.. Is BLKSZ (if
> that's even correct) simply a PG variable somewhere?

It's near the head of src/include/config.h (or if you
are doing the edit before running configure).  Edit, rebuild the
system, away you go.  Don't forget you will need to initdb after
installing the rebuilt postmaster...

> That sounds like what I'm looking for and since it's set to 8k, looks like
> what I'm looking for -- so would I be correct in changing this value and
> re-compiling my kernel?

No no no, do not touch your kernel.
        regards, tom lane