Thread: RE: PostgreSQL and Unicode

RE: PostgreSQL and Unicode

Tatsuo Ishii
>     This sounds good. I agree that char(x) should mean x letters, not x bytes.
>     If this could be done in 7.1 that would be great! That means about 2 weeks,
> right?!  ;-)

No no:-) you must be talking about 7.0.1. I think that fix would
introduce some data format imcompatibility that is not allowed in the
minor version ups.

> P.S. Can anyone point me to the right person to ask regarding a problem
> we've been having with postmaster processes not going away. It seems to be
> related to JDBC although I've heard of PHP people having similar problems.

Can you tell us more about "postmaster processes not going away"
Tatsuo Ishii