Thread: RFP: PostgreSQL Replication ...

RFP: PostgreSQL Replication ...

The Hermit Hacker
Over the past little while, PostgreSQL, Inc has been approached by a few
companies wondering about funding the development of replication features
in PostgreSQL ...

With the development and release cycle for v7.0 drawing to a close, I
would like to work on moving forward with these opportunities, and am
wondering if anyone out there feels they have the competency, and time, to
work on replication features for the upcoming v7.1 release.

What I would like to see if a Proposal on how you feel this can/should be
accomplished, as well as a timeline to completion, based on existing
PostgreSQL code.  

The Proposal will have to be hashed out extensively with all the
developers, so that it fits with our existing code and direction, and
approved before work begins.

So far, we've been asked "How Much?" ... our goal is to go back and say
"This much, still interested?" and proceed from there ...

Anyone interested? :)

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @ 
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org