Thread: Using libpq.dll from Delphi

Using libpq.dll from Delphi

From (Jan Wieck)
Hi folks,
   some  days  ago,  I  got a file "libpq.pas" as a response for   some help to use the libpq  interface  directly
from Delphi   under Windows.
   The guy said we can use it freely, and that it isn't anything   more than just porting the libpq-fe.h from  C  to
Pascal. I   asked  for  a  little  README  to  put  both  together  under   ./interfaces, and got nothing back :-(.
   I'm not familiar with Delphi. Could someone else  verify  the   stuff  and write that README? AFAIK he found the
libpq.dllin   the pgaccess corner of a past release.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= (Jan Wieck) #