Thread: [ A query...]

[ A query...]

Michael Meskes
Anyone out there who could help this guy? Sorry I don't have the time to
check it right now and I don't know it form the top of my headh.


----- Forwarded message from Abhijit Chatterjee <> -----

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 20:49:18 +0530
From: Abhijit Chatterjee <>
Subject: A query...

Hi,.    I am having a problem and seeking your help to resolve the same.

The problem assumes the following:

- Assume postmaster is running as user 'A'.
- Assume that I give access to a user 'B ' by using 'createdb'.
- User 'A' has a database 'ADB'.
- User 'B' has a database 'BDB'.

Now, can I have the following restrictions:
- 'A 'should be able to access 'ADB' and 'BDB'.
- 'B' should be able to access 'BDB', but not 'ADB'.
Hoping you can resolve this problem.

Thanking you in advance.


Content-Description: Card for abhijit  chatterjee

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Michael Meskes                         | Go SF 49ers!
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Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De           | Use PostgreSQL!