Thread: Re: [HACKERS] translate function (BUG?)

Re: [HACKERS] translate function (BUG?)

Keith Parks
What happened with this?

I think I saw a response from Bruce but it wasn't fixed and
doesn't appear in the current CVS of V7.


>From: Edwin Ramirez <>
>Hello all,
>I was looking at the translate function and I think that it does not
>behave quite right.  I modified the translate function in
>oracle_compat.c (included below) to make work more like its Oracle
>counterpart. It seems to work but it returns the following message:
>    NOTICE:  PortalHeapMemoryFree: 0x8241fcc not in alloc set!
>Below are the Oracle and Postgres session transcripts.  
>select translate('edwin', 'wi', 'af') from dual;
>1 row selected.
>(1 row)
