Thread: pgbash-1.2.1 released

pgbash-1.2.1 released

 I have released pgbash-1.2.1.
 Main updating content is next.  
1.The improvement of the interactive operational environment. 2.The addition of the original COPY (with -y option)
function.3.It is not necessary to change Makefile.  

# Pgbash was more excellent than psql in the  shell program,  but it was not excellent in the interactive environment.
However,in this improvement, Pgbash will be more  excellent than psql in the interactive environment too.

1. The improvement of the interactive operational environment.   Type 'pgbash'. pgbash> l -------------------- list
databasespgbash> sel test ------------- select * from test  pgbash> ins test col1,col2 --- copy test(col1,col2) from
stdin111    abc    efg  \.   pgbash> dt ------------------- equal to "psql \dt" pgbash> d table_name --------- equal to
"psql\d "

2.The addition of the original COPY (with -y option) function.
 pgbash> exec_sql -y "copy test(col1,col2) from /tmp/oo"
In COPY with -y option, it is possible to designate the column.
And, line number and error message are displayed, when the error

3. It is not necessary to change Makefile.  
Until now, changes of Makefile were necessary in order to require
the include file of bash, when the version of bash changed.  But,
in the pgbash-1.2.1, it is not necessary to change Makefile.

SAKAIDA Masaaki  -- Osaka, Japan