Thread: Re: Frustrated

Re: Frustrated

Michael Simms
OK, thanks to some probing by Hiroshi, and by the fact that it became
utterly blatantly obvious, I can state as a fact that postgresql was NOT
responsible for the crashes I was seeing last night.

I woke up this morning, intent on finding SOME solution, and I found this

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3              1109780    704964    347461  67% /
/dev/hda1                33149      6140     25297  20% /boot
/dev/hdc1              9515145   3248272   5773207  36% /home
/dev/hdb1               402852    154144    227903  40% /tmp
/dev/sda1   30356106785018642307    43892061535609608   0 100% /var/lib/pgsql

Now, I thought to myself, either my 9.2GB drive has become the size of a
small country, or I have a problem.

Much probing has revealed to me that the nice adapted U2W scsi card that I
installed, has problems under Linux SMP kernels.

As such, I wave the penguin of shame at Adaptec for shoddy drivers. And
I declare that I once again find postgres warm and fuzzy and huggable {:-)

ps. Before the problem became too obvious, Hiroshi sent me the following.
It may be useful, I have no idea what it does {:-))


Disk full error while writing a block may be one of the cause.
As far as I see,error on block write isn't handled correctly in md.c.

The following patch may help you.
However I didn't test the patch at all.


Hiroshi Inoue

*** storage/smgr/md.c.orig      Fri Sep 24 15:01:29 1999
--- storage/smgr/md.c   Fri Sep 24 18:07:31 1999
*** 243,248 ****
--- 243,255 ----       if ((pos = FileSeek(v->mdfd_vfd, 0L, SEEK_END)) < 0)               return SM_FAIL; 
+       if (pos % BLCKSZ != 0)
+       {
+               pos = BLCKSZ * (pos / BLCKSZ);
+               if (FileSeek(v->mdfd_vfd, pos, SEEK_SET) != pos)
+                       return SM_FAIL;
+       }
+        if (FileWrite(v->mdfd_vfd, buffer, BLCKSZ) != BLCKSZ)               return SM_FAIL; 
*** 1060,1065 **** {       long            len; 
!       len = FileSeek(file, 0L, SEEK_END) - 1;
!       return (BlockNumber) ((len < 0) ? 0 : 1 + len / blcksz); }
--- 1067,1072 ---- {       long            len; 
!       len = FileSeek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
!       return (BlockNumber) (len / blcksz); }