Thread: RI question

RI question

From (Jan Wieck)
Uh oh,

    I  think  deferred  RI constraints must only fire the actions
    that remain after all commands during the entire  transaction
    are  condensed  to  the  total  minimum  required to get that
    state, because deferred  RI  must  only  check  what  VISIBLY
    happened during the transaction.

    Thinking    on    the    tuple    level,    a   sequence   of
    INSERT,UPDATE,UPDATE must fire only one INSERT  trigger,  but
    with the values of the last UPDATE. An UPDATE,DELETE sequence
    is  in  fact  a  DELETE  of  the  original   tuple   and   an
    INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE sequence is nothing.

    That  means that the recording mechnism of the trigger events
    must be very smart on UPDATE and DELETE  events,  looking  at
    the  x_min of the old tuple if that resulted from the current
    transaction. If  so,  follow  the  events  backward,  disable
    previous  ones  and  change the new event into what it really
    has to be.

    But some problems remain unsolvable by this:

    - PK has an ON DELETE CASCADE for FK
    - BEGIN
    - INSERT same PK
    - COMMIT.

    This really shouldn't invoke the cascading delete, because at
    COMMIT  the  PK  still  is there.  Same for a constraint that
    forbids deletion of a PK while referenced  by  FK.  Therefore
    the deferred event recorder must check on INSERT any previous
    DELETES for the same relation if the key does match and  drop
    both  deferred  triggers  if  so.  Therefore it needs to know
    which   attributes   build   the   PK   of   that    relation
    (<relname>_pkey guaranteed?).

    Well,  I think that's finally the death of RI over rules. The
    code managing those rules  during  CREATE/ALTER  TABLE  would
    become  totally  unmaintainable.  And  (sorry Vadim) it's the
    death of SLT for this too because this event tracking must be
    done on the tuple level.

    It  complicated  the  trigger  approach too, but IMHO not too
    bad. Anyway,  some  co-developer(s)  doing  the  parser-  and
    utility-statement  stuff  (SET CONSTRAINTS ... etc.) would be




# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= (Jan Wieck) #

Re: [HACKERS] RI question

Vadim Mikheev
Jan Wieck wrote:
> Uh oh,

Well, it's time for me to do some other work, so I'll
return to discussion later.

Good luck.
