Thread: patches -- sucker for punishment?

patches -- sucker for punishment?

The Hermit Hacker
Okay, using 'diff -cr --new-file' to create the patches, I've created one
from 6.5->6.5.1 and one from 6.5.1->6.5.2 ... I'm downloading everything
to my computer right now to see how the patches work (if they work), but
if anyone else wants to try, they are up on the site and ready to go...

If there is somethign else I should be using for that diff, please feel
free to mention it and I'll do it all over again...

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @ 
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org 

Re: [HACKERS] patches

The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> Okay, using 'diff -cr --new-file' to create the patches, I've created one
> from 6.5->6.5.1 and one from 6.5.1->6.5.2 ... I'm downloading everything
> to my computer right now to see how the patches work (if they work), but
> if anyone else wants to try, they are up on the site and ready to go...
> If there is somethign else I should be using for that diff, please feel
> free to mention it and I'll do it all over again...

I'm experiencing some strange problems with that patches. First,
my Netscape shows their sizes as approx. 200-300 k. But being downloaded,
they are 2-3 megs of size. Second, occasionally I had to download a 
patch (6.5.1->6.5.2) twice, one immediately after another. They were
different! There was some strings of difference in the middle of 
the patch. Maybe it was Netscape's quirks. Hope so. As to patches 
themselves, they seem to be Ok, though I couldn't test them by 
compiling source (my source tree is somehow slightly damaged), there
were no unreasonable hunk fails. I had to use -p1 option with the
patch to strip top-level dir which is called different on my system.

He knows he'll never have to answer for any of his theories actually 
being put to test. If they were, they would be contaminated by reality.