Thread: Re: Query about postgres medical database

Re: Query about postgres medical database

Thomas Lockhart
> I am physician and I am very interested by possibilities postgresql
> could offer to medical information management, specially in undeveloped
> countries.
> In the userguide you speake about a medical database and I would want to
> contact people responsable of this project.

I believe that this example was from the days when Postgres was
developing at Berkeley. I know that there are more recent projects
(one of our contributors is an administrator at a hospital) and the
best way to find out about current projects is to post a question to a
mailing list.

Does anyone have something going in the medical info area?
                     - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart      
South Pasadena, California

RE: [HACKERS] Re: Query about postgres medical database

Dmitry Samersoff
On 10-Sep-99 Thomas Lockhart wrote:
>> I am physician and I am very interested by possibilities postgresql
>> could offer to medical information management, specially in undeveloped
>> countries.
>> In the userguide you speake about a medical database and I would want to
>> contact people responsable of this project.
> I believe that this example was from the days when Postgres was
> developing at Berkeley. I know that there are more recent projects
> (one of our contributors is an administrator at a hospital) and the
> best way to find out about current projects is to post a question to a
> mailing list.
> Does anyone have something going in the medical info area?

I was the maintainer/developer of postgresql based project for
City's Health department of St. Petersburg (RUSSIA),
This project includes financial part (medical insurance reports) and
numerouse statistical reports 
(sex/age/diagnozis corellation, loads of different clinics and so on)

This project starts 1995 and it's succesfuly working now but without me ... 

Dmitry Samersoff,, ICQ:3161705
* There will come soft rains ...

Re: [HACKERS] Re: Query about postgres medical database

renato barrios
Dmitry Samersoff wrote: <blockquote type="CITE">On 10-Sep-99 Thomas Lockhart wrote: <br />>> I am physician and
Iam very interested by possibilities postgresql <br />>> could offer to medical information management, specially
inundeveloped <br />>> countries. <br />>> In the userguide you speake about a medical database and I would
wantto <br />>> contact people responsable of this project. <br />> <br />> I believe that this example was
fromthe days when Postgres was <br />> developing at Berkeley. I know that there are more recent projects <br />>
(oneof our contributors is an administrator at a hospital) and the <br />> best way to find out about current
projectsis to post a question to a <br />> mailing list. <br />> <br />> Does anyone have something going in
themedical info area? <p>I was the maintainer/developer of postgresql based project for <br />City's Health department
ofSt. Petersburg (RUSSIA), <br />This project includes financial part (medical insurance reports) and <br />numerouse
statisticalreports <br />(sex/age/diagnozis corellation, loads of different clinics and so on) <p>This project starts
1995and it's succesfuly working now but without me ... <p>--- <br />Dmitry Samersoff,, ICQ:3161705 <br
/><ahref=""></a><br />* There will come soft rains ...</blockquote> and
>OlegBroytman <> <br />>Hello! <p>>   I work for Russian National Research
SurgeryCentre ( I have <br />>a database of patient data on Novel server, and I am writing and debugging
<br/>>programs to store the data in Postgres. The dedicated host is <br />>  But I do not see
anythingspecial about the data - for me it is just <br />>data that can be stored, searched and retrieved. <p>Hello!
<br/>Thank you for your messages, I am trying to organize a group in medical info area. <br />It would be a very
importantdatabase sub-group with postgresql ad open code source. <br />I think data is specially interesting in this
area. Itis not only about decisions to use integers or floats in the results of tests. It could be the case to go and
workwith the definition of this types (Actually only simple mathematical relations like grams by liter for tests, and
soon ). I will not write nothing about other areas where storing objects would be of interest ( medical imagery or
treatement of biological signals... ) <p>But finishing with science fiction, a medical database could be proposed like
anexemple of code source for the postgresql_doc mantainers, like in the case of the V C++ GUI framework documentation
byBruce Wampler of the  <a
href=""></a>and be of 
greateutility for end users. <br />It would have a conceptualisation model ( I think like in the v case with
Coad-Yourdonnotation ) and all the code of the database. <br />If it would be possible to start with the database, it
wouldbe easier to add extensions adapted for users. <br />...and...and...<br /> I am not...not... a hacker but I have a
lot...lot...of information about the medical subject.<br /> Thanks, <br />Renato