Thread: problem about message type 0x45

problem about message type 0x45

Yann-Ju Chu
I am using the posgresql 6.5.1.

I have begin a transaction and insert a lot of tuples in the 
transaction. The simplified code is as following:

---------------------------------- res = PQexec(conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res);
 PQexec(conn, "INSERT INTO qms_table (idr1, idr2, sequence) VALUES ('chu1', 'wind1', 0)" ); PQclear(res);
 PQexec(conn, "INSERT INTO qms_table (idr1, idr2, sequence) VALUES ('chu1', 'wind1', 1)" ); PQclear(res);
 res = PQexec(conn,"END"); PQclear(res);
  But I got a message as:
      Backend message type 0x45 arrived while idle
  When inserting the third or forth tuples, and the backend process exits.
  Does anybody know what the message type 0x45 means? What document can I find
the related information? And does any body know what may be the reason casued the
problem?                                            Thanks

Re: [HACKERS] problem about message type 0x45

Tom Lane
Yann-Ju Chu <> writes:
>    But I got a message as:
>        Backend message type 0x45 arrived while idle
>    When inserting the third or forth tuples, and the backend process
>    exits.  Does anybody know what the message type 0x45 means? What
>    document can I find the related information? And does any body
>    know what may be the reason casued the problem?

0x45 = 'E' would be an error message.  If you look in the postmaster
log file you should see the error being logged.  My guess is that the
backend is crashing, and is managing to output an error message just
before it goes down; but libpq isn't expecting any error message and
fails to cope.

There's not enough info here to figure out why the backend is crashing.
The error message might help...
        regards, tom lane