Thread: decimal & numeric report bug

decimal & numeric report bug

José Soares
<tt>DECIMA/NUMERCI Report bug:</tt><tt></tt><p><tt>CREATE TABLE Test (num DEC(7,2), flt8 FLOAT(15));</tt><br
/><tt>ERROR: Unable to locate type name 'dec' in catalog</tt><tt></tt><p><tt>    The required syntax for DECIMAL
is:</tt><br/><tt>    DEC[IMAL] [ ( precision [ ,scale ] ) ]</tt><tt></tt><p><tt>    from SQL/92 draft:</tt><br
/><tt>       <exact numeric type> ::=</tt><br /><tt>                NUMERIC [ <left paren>
<precision>[ <comma> <scale> ] <right pa</tt><br /><tt>              | DECIMAL [ <left
paren><precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right pa</tt><br /><tt>              | DEC [ <left
paren><precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren></tt><tt></tt><p><tt>       Remarks:  
DECIMALcan be abbreviated as DEC.</tt><br /><tt></tt> <tt></tt><p><tt>CREATE TABLE Test (num DECimal(7,2), flt8
FLOAT(15));</tt><br/><tt>CREATE</tt><br /><tt>INSERT INTO Test VALUES (1,1);</tt><br /><tt>INSERT 207242 1</tt><br
/><tt>INSERTINTO Test VALUES (2.343,2.343);</tt><br /><tt>INSERT 207243 1</tt><br /><tt>INSERT INTO Test VALUES
(-3.0,-3.0);</tt><br/><tt>INSERT 207244 1</tt><br /><tt>select * from test;</tt><br /><tt>  num| flt8</tt><br
/><tt>-----+-----</tt><br/><tt> 1.00|    1</tt><br /><tt> 2.34|2.343</tt><br /><tt>-3.00|   -3</tt><br /><tt>(3
rows)</tt><br/><tt></tt> <tt></tt><p><tt>--numeric and decimal doesn't support arithmetic operations with
floats...</tt><tt></tt><p><tt>SELECTnum-flt8 FROM Test;</tt><br /><tt>ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '-' for
types'numeric' and 'float8'</tt><br /><tt>        You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast</tt><br
/><tt>SELECTnum+flt8 FROM Test;</tt><br /><tt>ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '+' for types 'numeric' and
'float8'</tt><br/><tt>        You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast</tt><br /><tt>SELECT num*flt8
FROMTest;</tt><br /><tt>ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '*' for types 'numeric' and 'float8'</tt><br
/><tt>       You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast</tt><br /><tt>SELECT num/flt8 FROM Test;</tt><br
/><tt>ERROR: Unable to identify an operator '/' for types 'numeric' and 'float8'</tt><br /><tt>        You will have to
retypethis query using an explicit cast</tt><br /><tt>SELECT * FROM Test WHERE num < flt8;</tt><br /><tt>ERROR: 
Unableto identify an operator '<' for types 'numeric' and 'float8'</tt><br /><tt>        You will have to retype
thisquery using an explicit cast</tt><br /><tt></tt> <tt></tt><p><tt>--create operator doesn't know numeric/decimal
type:</tt><tt></tt><p><tt>createoperator < (</tt><br /><tt>        leftarg=numeric,</tt><br /><tt>       
rightarg=float8,</tt><br/><tt>        procedure=dec_float8_lt</tt><br /><tt>        );</tt><br /><tt>ERROR:  parser:
parseerror at or near "numeric"</tt><br /><tt>--</tt><br
/><tt>___________________________________________________________________</tt><br/><tt>PostgreSQL 6.5.0 on
i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1,compiled by gcc</tt><br
/><tt>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^</tt><br/><tt>Jose'</tt><br /><tt></tt>  

Re: [HACKERS] decimal & numeric report bug

Thomas Lockhart
Thanks for the report Jose'. Jan, can I help with this? A few of the
items could be fixed for v6.5.1, while others which touch system
tables should wait until v6.6...
                   - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart      
South Pasadena, California