Thread: elog(ERROR, "EvalPlanQual: t_xmin is uncommitted ?!") fixed

elog(ERROR, "EvalPlanQual: t_xmin is uncommitted ?!") fixed

Vadim Mikheev
Date: well as another bug described below.
So, Mark, you can use select order by for update now, 
but be aware that such queries may return unordered
data if sort-keys will be changed by concurrent xactions.

My hands are mostly away from sources now, though I still
get Assert in vacuum (FreeBSD 2.2.6) when run Hiroshi test.


======================= CVS log message ==================

1. Fix for elog(ERROR, "EvalPlanQual: t_xmin is uncommitted ?!")  and possibly for other cases too:    DO NOT cache
statusof transaction in unknown state  (i.e. non-committed and non-aborted ones)    Example:  T1 reads row
updated/insertedby running T2 and cache T2 status.  T2 commits.  Now T1 reads a row updated by T2 and with
HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED in t_infomask (so cached T2 status is not changed).  Now T1 EvalPlanQual gets updated row version
withoutHEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED  -> TransactionIdDidCommit(t_xmin) and TransactionIdDidAbort(t_xmin)  return FALSE and T2
decidesthat t_xmin is not committed and gets  ERROR above.    It's too late to find more smart way to handle such cases
andso  I just changed xact status caching and got rid TransactionIdFlushCache()  from code.    Changed: transam.c,
xact.c,lmgr.c and transam.h - last three  just because of TransactionIdFlushCache() is removed.

2. heapam.c:
  T1 marked a row for update. T2 waits for T1 commit/abort.  T1 commits. T3 updates the row before T2 locks row page.
NowT2 sees that new row t_xmax is different from xact id (T1)  T2 was waiting for. Old code did Assert here. New one
goesto  HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate. Obvious changes too.