Thread: Bug Report - alter table does not work on temporary tables

Bug Report - alter table does not work on temporary tables

Clark Evans
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name        :    Clark Evans
Your email address    :

System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)      : Pentium

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)     : Linux RH 5.2

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-6.4)  : Current CVS version

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.8.0)        :

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

Alter table does not seem to operate on tempoary tables
and does not throw an error.  I would like to be able
to add columns to temp tables to do a cross-tab query.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:

clark=> create temp table x ( x text );
clark=> insert into x values ( 'x' );
INSERT 270675 1
clark=> select * from x;
(1 row)

clark=> alter table x add column y text;
clark=> select * from x;
(1 row)

clark=> insert into x values ('a','b');
ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns.

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:

The only work-around I know is to use arrays.  I'm trying that.