Thread: Re: your mail

Re: your mail

Oleg Broytmann

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Angelos Karageorgiou wrote:
> >    I've applied the patch to 6.4.2 on Debian 2.0 and ran locale test on
> > koi8-r locale. The locale test before the patch passed and test after patch
> > passed as well. I didn't note any difference. What difference you expected?
> > 
> Are you using the multibyte character set or the sigle byte ? I was having
  Single byte.

> problems with the sigle byte char set where select * where message ~* "os" 
> would give me different results than select * where message ~* "OS". of
> course "OS" is the iso-8859-7 greek letters omikron and sigma, I just used
> the english letters here to demostrate the problem
  If you look into .../src/test/locale/koi8-r, you'll find there exactly
the same tests. These tests are working right in my locale without your
patch.  For me it seems like a compiler (or compiler option) problem - signed
vs. unsigned chars.

> >    Please supply data for locale test (look into .../src/test/locale). This
> > is not related to your patch, we're just collecting test data.
> I could post some strings in Greek , but it would be meaningless to you I
> am afraid, and worse without a font you would not be able to see them ,
> that is why I called upon a swedish of finish fellow to test the
> differences out.
  Tests in .../src/test/locale/koi8-r are meaningless to non-Russian, yet
they are in test suite. :)  We are collecting test to help people test their native locales, not
foreign locales, really.

----    Oleg Broytmann          Programmers don't die, they
justGOSUB without RETURN.