Thread: bug in libpgtcl listen

bug in libpgtcl listen

Massimo Dal Zotto

I found a bug in the notify handler of the libpgtcl interface.
If I have setup a notify handler and the backend dies, the tcl interpreter
will not remove the handler and loop forever with a bad fd in select().
I tested the bug with Tcl7.5 and the following code:

$ wish
% set tcl_version
% set tk_version
% source pg_test.tcl
% connect dz
% sql select 123
% listen
% notify
% --> callback test

# From another shell kill the backend:
$ kill 3937

# Now the wish shell is looping forever in the following syscall:
$ strace -p 3934
select(5, [0 3 4], [], [], NULL)        = -1 EBADF (Bad file number)
select(5, [0 3 4], [], [], NULL)        = -1 EBADF (Bad file number)
select(5, [0 3 4], [], [], NULL)        = -1 EBADF (Bad file number)
select(5, [0 3 4], [], [], NULL)        = -1 EBADF (Bad file number)
select(5, [0 3 4], [], [], NULL)        = -1 EBADF (Bad file number)

# The fd 4 doesn't exists anymore because it has been closed by pqReadData.
$ ls -l /proc/3934/fd
total 0
lrwx------   1 dz       users          64 Jan  8 16:00 0 -> [0801]:2081
lrwx------   1 dz       users          64 Jan  8 16:00 1 -> [0801]:2081
lrwx------   1 dz       users          64 Jan  8 16:00 2 -> [0801]:2081
lrwx------   1 dz       users          64 Jan  8 16:00 3 -> [0000]:12617

This is the test file loaded in the above example:

# pg_test.tcl -- 
# Test libpgtcl interface


proc connect {{db dz}} {   global conn   set conn [pg_connect $db]

proc sql {args} {   global conn   if {$args != {}} {       set cmd $args   } else {       set cmd "select 1"   }   set
res[pg_exec $conn $cmd]   switch [pg_result $res -status] {       PGRES_TUPLES_OK {           for {set n 0} {$n <
[pg_result$res -numTuples]} {incr n} {               puts [pg_result $res -getTuple $n]           }       }
PGRES_COMMAND_OK{}       default {           puts [pg_result $res -status]       }   }   pg_result $res -clear

proc disconnect {} {   global conn   pg_disconnect $conn   set conn {}

proc listen {{relname test}} {   global conn   pg_listen $conn $relname "callback $relname"

proc unlisten {{relname test}} {   global conn   pg_listen $conn $relname {}

proc notify {{relname test}} {   global conn   sql notify $relname

proc callback {args} {   puts "--> callback $args"

# end of file

The following patch seems to fix the problem:

*** src/interfaces/libpgtcl/pgtclId.c.orig    Mon Sep 21 03:02:03 1998
--- src/interfaces/libpgtcl/pgtclId.c    Fri Jan  8 16:27:51 1999
*** 638,649 **** Pg_Notify_FileHandler (ClientData clientData, int mask) {     Pg_ConnectionId *connid =
(Pg_ConnectionId*) clientData;      /*      * Consume any data available from the SQL server (this just buffers      *
itinternally to libpq; but it will clear the read-ready condition).      */
!     PQconsumeInput(connid->conn);      /* Transfer notify events from libpq to Tcl event queue. */
--- 638,656 ---- Pg_Notify_FileHandler (ClientData clientData, int mask) {     Pg_ConnectionId *connid =
(Pg_ConnectionId*) clientData;
+     int status;      /*      * Consume any data available from the SQL server (this just buffers      * it internally
tolibpq; but it will clear the read-ready condition).
+      *
+      * Must check the connection status and stop the event source for
+      * closed connection. -- dz      */
!     status = PQconsumeInput(connid->conn);
!     if (status == 0) {
!         PgStopNotifyEventSource(connid);
!     }      /* Transfer notify events from libpq to Tcl event queue. */     PgNotifyTransferEvents(connid);

Massimo Dal Zotto

|  Massimo Dal Zotto               email:               |
|  Via Marconi, 141                phone: ++39-0461534251              |
|  38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)      www:  |
|  Italy                             pgp: finger  |

Re: [HACKERS] bug in libpgtcl listen

Tom Lane
Massimo Dal Zotto <> writes:
> I found a bug in the notify handler of the libpgtcl interface.
> If I have setup a notify handler and the backend dies, the tcl interpreter
> will not remove the handler and loop forever with a bad fd in select().

Good point.  I don't like your particular fix though, since I'm not sure
that Tcl will always call the file event handler in that situation ---
other platforms and/or Tcl releases might behave differently than yours.

I put the check into PgNotifyTransferEvents() instead, from which it
will get called in the same conditions as your fix, and it will also get
called after every PQexec():

*** src/interfaces/libpgtcl/pgtclId.c    Sun Sep 20 21:02:03 1998
--- ./pgtclId.c    Sun Jan 17 15:30:53 1999
*** 582,587 ****
--- 582,596 ----         Tcl_QueueEvent((Tcl_Event *) event, TCL_QUEUE_TAIL);         free(notify);     }
+     /*
+      * This is also a good place to check for unexpected closure of the
+      * connection (ie, backend crash), in which case we must shut down the
+      * notify event source to keep Tcl from trying to select() on the now-
+      * closed socket descriptor.
+      */
+     if (PQsocket(connid->conn) < 0)
+         PgStopNotifyEventSource(connid); }  /*

        regards, tom lane